
The FAQ app group project!

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Frequently Asked Questions

This repository contains initial work on a FAQ app. To complete the app, you'll need to implement the functions which allow a visitor to search for a question and ask a new question.

This repository is part of CodeYourFuture's group projects.

Screenshot of starting point

What you need to do

  • Create a MongoDB database and a collection to store questions and answers.
  • Move the existing data into the database. Add several more entries on whatever topics you would like.
  • Allow a user to search for a word or phrase and display only entries which contain that word or phrase. You'll want to use MongoDB's $regex feature to search your database.
  • Add a form which allows a user to ask a new question.
  • Only questions with answers should be shown on the front page or included in search results.
  • Allow a user to indicate whether an answer was helpful using the Yes and No buttons. Their response should be reflected in the numbers included below each answer: "25/?? people found this helpful."
  • Create a route on your server to display a list of unanswered questions. Allow users to submit an answer to an unanswered question.

Stretch goals

  • Try to implement the search feature using only ajax requests, so that the results appear without reloading the page.
  • Try to sort the entries with the most helpful entries listed first. Try to do the same for the search results.
  • Try to prevent entries that are very unhelpful from being shown in the main page.