
A repository made with the help of Faccacimo that is for my own personal collection, please don't expect a lot of series to be here.


This project will be on a hiatus due to my system being broken and thus all the files that let's me work for this project are currently inaccessible. The listed manga and manwha will still be available to read, expect Tomb Raider King to be listed soon.




  • Alexis Vielma for helping me with the README. Check out his website and discord bot that he's currently working on!
  • Algoinde for creating cubari.moe and if you're interested in showing off your Genshin Impact or Honkai: Star Rail builds, check out enka.network. They also have a discord server so if you have any questions about Cubari, Enka or simply just wanna chat then go ahead and join it!
  • Piotr Brzozowski for creating Facaccimo and making it easier for people like me, who's not very knowledgeable on coding, to manage their cubari gist.

Others' Cubari Gist

If there's any issues, contact me at Discord (Rioki#3797) or create an issue in this repository.


if you'd like to contribute then feel free to do so, there are some requirements though. Here's all of them:

For editing information of existing series

  • Information must be accurate
  • Recite the source(s) of the information you have changed in the PR description (i.e Wikipedia, Mangadex, etc.)

For adding a new series to the list

  • Series must have incomplete English chapters/dropped by scanlators on Mangadex
  • Information must be accurate
  • Recite the source(s) of the information in the PR description (i.e Wikipedia, Mangadex, etc)
  • Please confirm to me first via Discord when you're working on adding a series, I might be already working on it
  • When adding the series to the README, make sure it's alphabetically ordered alongside existing series
  • For credits and/or notes, please use the template below:
    • XYZ for providing the content and uploading them to (Hyperlinked text of the source here) [Example: • Anon for providing the content and uploading them to [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com)]
    • ZYX for X - (Hyperlinked text of the X's social media (Mangadex group, blog, Twitter, etc.)) [Example: • Anon for uploading Vol.1-5 to Mangadex - [Mangadex group](https://mangadex.org/group)]
    • This is an example for the notes, you should add this for whenever you need to put a notice or something like that for the readers.

That's all, might change but yeah, thank you!