Python program to clean up SVG files, particularly those created by Inkscape or Illustrator
Remove attributes with a given name, e.g. remove 'id' attributes, which often aren't used.
Remove all attributes associated with a given namespace, e.g. remove 'sodipodi' attributes created by Inkscape.
Move child elements outdside of group with no attributes, then delete group.
Rewrite attributes to a given number of decimal places.
Strip out unnecessary trailing zeros.
- Attributes
- x, y, x1, y2, x2, y2
- cx, cy
- r, rx, ry
- width, height
- points
- d
Applies transformations to elements so the attribute can be removed.
In the form
- comma: (12,34)
- space(s): (12 34)
- comma and space(s): (12, 34), (12 ,34), (12 , 34)
- decimal: (1.2, 3.4)
- negative: (-1.2, -3.4)
- line
- rect
- circle, ellipse
- polyline, polygon
- path (not fully tested)
- g (not fully tested)
- Shapes
- path
- rect
- Shapes
Convert individual style attributes to CSS styling.
Remove default styles.
Remove xml namespace if possible
Remove unnecessary groups
Remove unnecessary text groups
Add groups in make styling and transforms more efficient
In the form
- single: (12)
- text
- tspan
- Shapes
- path
- polyline/polygon
- line
- circle
- rect -> polygon/path?
- Shapes
- Shapes
- polyline/polygon
- line
- circle -> ellipse?
- Shapes
SkewX and SkewY
- Shapes
- line
- path
- polyline/polygon
- rect -> polygon/path?
- circle -> path arc?
- Shapes
- Shapes
- line
- path
- polyline/polygon
- rect -> polygon/path?
- Shapes
Need to check whether style element already exists and whether class names already exist.
Ideally find most efficient way to class elements for styling.