
Django integration with Wordpress's authentication and roles / capabilities system.

Primary LanguagePython

Django WordPress Auth


Allows for access in Django to a WordPress installation for checking for things like login status and roles / capabilities.


Python Dependencies:

WordPress Dependencies:

Alternatives to Root Cookie

If you are receiving warnings using root Cookie, please see this issue for alternative solutions.


Add your WordPress's auth keys and salts (found in wp-config.php) to your settings.py.

The WORDPRESS_LOGGED_IN_KEY value comes from your Wordpress installations

define('LOGGED_IN_KEY',    'rs&^D%jPdu=vk|VVDsdfsdgsdgsdg9sd87f98s7h[Xm$3gT/@1xdas');

while WORDPRESS_LOGGED_IN_SALT value comes from

define('LOGGED_IN_SALT',   '3]x^n{d8=su23902iu09jdc09asjd09asjd09jasdV-Lv-OydAQ%?~');
WORDPRESS_LOGGED_IN_KEY = "rs&^D%jPdu=vk|VVDsdfsdgsdgsdg9sd87f98s7h[Xm$3gT/@1xdasd"
WORDPRESS_LOGGED_IN_SALT = "3]x^n{d8=su23902iu09jdc09asjd09asjd09jasdV-Lv-OydAQ%?~"

Add your WordPress database to DATABASES in settings.py.

    'default': {
        ... # default django DB
    'wordpress': {  # must be named 'wordpress'
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
        'NAME': 'wordpress',
        'USER': '...',
        'PASSWORD': '...',
        'HOST': '...',
        'PORT': 3306,

Add the middleware to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES in settings.py. Make sure it's placed somewhere after the session middleware.

    # ...

Add the context_processors to TEMPLATES in settings.py.

        'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates',
        'APP_DIRS': True,
        'OPTIONS': {
            'context_processors': [
                # ...

Finally, add wordpress_auth to INSTALLED_APPS.

    # ...


To restrict a view to a certain role, simply wrap the view in the wordpress_requires_role decorator.

from wordpress_auth.decorators import wordpress_requires_role

def my_view():

You can restrict a view to a capability as well.

from wordpress_auth.decorators import wordpress_requires_capability

def my_view():

Finally, the middleware provides access to the WordPress user via request.wordpress_user.

See models.py for full reference. Some of the redundant naming conventions in the WordPress database have been made simpler as well.