
An STM32 MCU system that takes environmental measurements and send them out for visualization on desktop.

Primary LanguageC

Nucleo-F429ZI - Environment Parameter Sensing and Logging - Ethernet

1 - About this project
2 - Required Software
3 - Required Hardware
4 - Hardware setup
5 - Software setup
6 - Code & Settings
7 - Operation
8 - Known Issues
9 - Folder Structure
10 - Reference Sites
11 - Todos

1 - About this project

This is a project based on the Nucleo-F429ZI microcontroller board and the SVM30 sensor module. The programming language is C. The aim is to capture several environmental parameters, and send them through the Ethernet to a data-logging system/computer. This project contributed to a research at the ISEA institute of RWTH Aachen University, Germany.

  • Tasks

    • Sensor measures: Temprature, Relative Humidity(RH), Carbon Dioxide equivalent(CO2eq) and Total Volatile Organic Compounds(TVOC).
    • Board processes raw data to get calculated, readable values.
    • Board transmit data through the UDP protocol to a designated IP address.
  • Additional features

    • Dedicated sensor library
    • Sleep mode for board -> active only during a defined, recurring period of data capture, calculation, and transmission
    • Real-time data visualization -> Matlab script
    • Network packet capture -> Wireshark

2 - Required Software

Name Usage
LwIP Network stack
STM32CubeIDE Programmer and debugger
STM32Cube FW_F4 V1.25.2 Board firmware package
MATLAB2020b Real-time data monitoring
Wireshark Real-time UDP packet monitoring

3 - Required Hardware

Name Usage
SVM30 Sensor module
Nucleo-F429ZI Microcontroller board
Computer Data-logging
  • Compatible board alternatives with the following resources:
    • I2C bus * 1
    • Sleep mode capability
    • Power supply: 5V, 49mA
    • Ethernet with lwIP stack support
    • General purpose interrupt timer * 1

4 - Hardware setup

Pin (board) To Pin (Sensor)
CN8 - 5V 3 - VDD
CN7 - PB_8 1 - SCL
CN7 - PB_9 4 - SDA
CN7 - GND 2 - GND
Also To...
Ethernet port Local network
ST-Link USB PWR Computer usb port for programming
Any standard usb port (PC, powerbank) for operation

5 - Software setup

Method 1 - Complete package
Step 1 Extract Clean_UDP_Remote.rar
Step 2 Import project to CubeIDE
Step 3 Connect board and run program
Method 2 - Essential files
Step 1 Create a new Nucleo-F429ZI project on CubeIDE
Step 2 Put all essential files into their respective folders according to 8 - Folder Structure
Step 3 Open .ioc file and generate code through CubeMX
Step 4 Connect board and run program

6 - Code & Settings

*Below are settings that could be tweaked to quickly adapt to different setup environments. For full settings, please check the files.

  • Clock settings - Clean_UDP_Remote.ioc

  • Network settings - Clean_UDP_Remote.ioc

  • Packet message settings
    • main.c
    • All four measurements are sent in one single packet as char. strings.
    • Modify measurement string separators in sprintf() in void doTasks(struct pbuf *pbufPtr),

7 - Operation

Step 1 Turn on board power supply
Step 2 Wait for >15s
Step 3 Alternating blue and red LED -> board is now capturing and sending data
Data update Outgoing/Incoming measurement data every 1s
Matlab script Automatically shows live plots and saves data to a matrix type
Wireshark Enter "ip.addr ==" into filter to display packets from the board
End of program
Board turn-off Directly turn off power source
  • Examples - Wireshark and Matlab

8 - Known issues

  • I2C pin mismatch
    • After every code generation from editing the .ioc file
    • Need to change GPIO_PIN_6 to GPIO_PIN_8 in i2c configurarion file (e.g. i2c.c or main.c)
  • Matlab script performance
    • After some amount of date accumulation
    • Very slow figure zoom-in and zoom-out

9 - Folder Structure

Important File Usage
Clean_UDP_Remote.rar Ready-to-use package
Clean_UDP_Remote.ioc Board configuration
main.c Main program
SVM30.h and libSVM30.c Sensor library
Clean_UDP_RT_plots_multiple.m Matlab script
│   └───Clean_UDP_Remote
│       └───Clean_UDP_Remote.ioc
│       └───Core
│           └───Inc
│               └───SVM30.h
│           └───Src
│               └───main.c
│               └───libSVM30.c
├───Essential files
│   └───Clean_UDP_Remote.ioc
│   └───main.c
│   └───SVM30.h
│   └───libSVM30.c
  • Using STM32CubeIDE, all the other files are automatically generated after importing the .ioc file.

10 - Reference sites

Name Link
SVM30 datasheet Mouser Electronics
NucleoF429ZI pintout Mbed
NucleoF429ZI datasheet STMicroelectronics
LwIP for STM32F4 UM1713 User manual

11 - Todos

  • Implement TCP mode