
Bring back the original i3wm title bar in tabbed layout for Polybar

Primary LanguagePython

Polybar i3 windows script

This script aims to bring back the ability of original i3 title bar in tabbed layout. The picture below is a comparison of them:

This script is an enhancement version of meelkor/polybar-i3-windows.


  • Focus window with left mouse button click
  • Scroll through window with mouse wheel
  • Highlight urgent window
  • Show split info in title for horizontal and vertical layout
  • Highly customizable styles for window title, such as icon, color, underline, window number.
  • Draw label hint for switch on visible windows.
  • Hint for all workspaces.
  • Mark for window.

Due to lack of mouse hover support by lemonbar tags, there is no mouse hover action.


Follow under steps to use it with your polybar

  1. Make sure you install i3ipc with pip or any other tools
  2. Clone this repo to somewhere, for example to ~/.config/polybar/scripts
  3. Make all scripts executable with chmod +x ~/.config/polybar/scripts/polybar-i3-windows
  4. Change any setting you wish in config.ini
  5. Add the following module to your polybar config:
type = custom/script
exec = ~/.config/polybar/scripts/polybar-i3-windows/module.py
tail = true
  1. Add the module to one of your bars, and don't forget to set a line-size if you intend to use underline, for example like so:
modules-center = i3-windows
line-size = 2


Configuration file should be placed at the same level of module.pyand its name should be config.ini.

You are highly recommended to edit colors under color section to suit your polybar theme. You can use transparency in RGBA to let the color fallback to your polybar color like window-background-color = #00000000.

general section

You need to determine the maximum characters this module can contains with length variable so that it won't occupies the space of modules-right. You can get this by manually fill the content by repeating characters among a-zA-Z.

You need to define a UTF8 support font in polybar setting to display all characters in title bar. This script uses font-2 for icons in the default setting. You probably want it to have larger size than your regular font. Example:

font-0 = NotoSans Nerd Font:size=10;2
font-1 = siji:pixelsize=16;1
font-2 = NotoSans Nerd Font:size=16;4

You can also customize scroll behavior with scroll variable

  • scroll: integer value, 0/1/2
    • 0: disable scroll in titlebar
    • 1: wrap around when reaching the first/last window
    • 2: stop at the first/last window

icon section

Variables under icon section expect keys to be the lower case of window class (for example if the window class is Firefox, the variable should be firefox). If it contains some characters that configparser doesn't support, you should replace it manually by modifying regex variable in make_icon method. You can use following script to check window class:

import i3ipc

i3 = i3ipc.Connection()
tree = i3.get_tree()

for window in tree.leaves():
    # To see complete ipc data
    # print(window.ipc_data)

title section

Variables under title section expect values

  • interval: integer value. The interval among window titles.
  • icon: boolean value, True/False. Whether adding icon at the front of window title.
  • title: integer value, 0/1/2
    • 0: don't display window title
    • 1: only display window class
    • 2: display window title normally
  • underline: integer value, 0/1/2/3
    • 0: disable underline feature
    • 1: only underline window title
    • 2: only underline window icon
    • 3: underline both window icon and title
  • number: integer value, 0/1/2
    • 0: don't show window number
    • 1: show window number when long press key (not supported)
    • 2: always show window number
  • underline-number: boolean value, True/False. Whether to underline window number.