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Table of Contents


Fork from qiubaiying.github.io

layout:     post
date:       2020-02-29 13:26
updated:    last updated time
header-img: img/post-default-bg.jpg
category:   []
tags:       []
link:       转载连接
type:       markdown(default) | asciidoc | readtheorg | thought
toc:        Designed for asciidoc. If you use `toc:left` in asciidoc, fill it with `left`. Otherwise, you don't need to define this value.
pin:        true/false

Tips for customization

Some files have a minified version, which is used by default. If you modify something in non-minified file and find it is not working as you expect, please check if you modify the corresponding minified file.


Liquid Introduction

├── _config.yml: Variables

├── _layouts: https://www.jekyll.com.cn/tutorials/convert-site-to-jekyll/#how-layouts-work

│ └── default.html

└── index.html: https://jekyllrb.com/docs/pagination/

Possible Error

Liquid Exception: Liquid syntax error (line **): Variable '{{1,2,3}' was not
 properly terminated with regexp: /\}\}/ in ...


Replace {{ with { { and }} with } }

Tips for myself

Under blog sourcecode folder, run jekyll serve or jekyll s in cmd then browse to preview the changes.

Further work


Jekyll without plugins

Jekyll Plugins | Find Plugins for Jekyll Blogs

planetjekyll/awesome-jekyll-plugins - https://planetjekyll.github.io/plugins/top

More themes

Except Jekyll. there exist a bunch of blog frameworks for you to choose:

Want more?

Here list some blog themes I admire

Every theme from Mark Otto, the creator of Bootstrap, is worth reading. The most popular theme - lanyon developed by him is used by Emacs guru Oleh Krehel (AKA abo-abo).