
Enables Discord Rich Presence For Netease Cloud Music.

Primary LanguageC#GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

网易云音乐 Discord Rpc

  • 将网易云音乐动态同步到Discord RPC.
  • Enables Discord Rich Presence For Netease Cloud Music.

English ReadMe

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Screenshot / 截图



  • 这个软件会在你开机的时候自启动, 如果你不需要可以在任务管理器中禁用.
  • 如果你开启了专辑封面,然后快速连续切歌,专辑封面可能会消失几分钟。等一下就好了。


  • 同步音乐动态到Discord.
    • 歌名,歌手,专辑,专辑封面,歌曲剩余时间
  • 当你运行全屏程序或者其他白名单程序时清除动态. (例如你全屏玩CSGO或者打开了VisualStudio)



  • 下面两部分需要全部完成才能启用专辑封面
Discord 应用
  • 你只能给自己的 Discord 应用加 Rich Presence 图片,所以你需要去创建一个自己的Discord应用。
  1. 登录 https://discord.com/developers/applications
  2. 点击右上角 "New Application" 按钮
  3. 给你的应用起个名字,这个名字会在使用这个软件时显示 screenshot
  4. Client ID 复制到secret.txt的第一行
  5. 左边打开 "Rich Presence"
  6. 点击 "Add Image(s)" 上传你的默认专辑封面
  • 我在release.zip的"default images"文件夹里存了些网易云音乐logo
  1. 把你刚刚上传的文件名复制到secret.txt的第二行
  • 显示专辑封面需要你的Discord用户令牌.
  • 自动化账号其实是违反Discord TOS的,我还没听说过谁因为这个被封号,但是使用后果自负.
  1. 打开Discord
  2. 按下 Ctrl+Shift+I 打开开发者面板
  3. 右上角找到 Application 标签并打开
  4. 面板左边找到 Local Storage > https://discordapp.com 并打开
  5. 按下 Ctrl+R 刷新
  6. 列表末端会出现 token,复制它
  7. 把刚刚复制的 token 粘贴到 secret.txt 的第三行
  • 两边的双引号会被自动去除


白名单应用运行时,网易云音乐的Rich Presence会暂停.

  • 要添加软件到白名单, 只需要在windows.txt新增一行输入白名单程序的lpClassName. 查看文档 FindWindow

Netease Cloud Music Discord Rpc


  • This application will auto launch on system start. If you don't want this, disable it in task manager.
  • If you are using album cover and change songs too frequently, the album cover might disappear and stop working for a few minutes. You just have to wait.


  • Sync song information to Discord.
    • Title, artists, album name, album cover art & song remaining time
  • Clear presence when you are using fullscreen or whitelist Application.

How To

Album Cover

  • You must complete both of the steps below to get album cover.
Discord Application
  • You can only add Rich Presence assets to your own Discord Applications, so you'd have to create one.
  1. Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications and login
  2. Click on the "New Application" button on the right top corner
  3. Give it a name, this name will be displayed as the "game" you are playing when using this software screenshot
  4. Copy the Client ID to line 1 of secret.txt
  5. Open the Rich Presence tab on the left
  6. Click on "Add Image(s)" and upload whatever image you want to use as the "blank" album cover
  • I've included some netease music logo in the "default images" folder in release.zip if you want to use that
  1. Copy the asset name and paste it to line 2 of secret.txt
  • Displaying of the album cover will require your discord user token.
  • Automating user accounts is technically against TOS. I have never seen anyone getting banned for this, but use at your own risk!
  1. Open Discord
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+I to show developer tools
  3. Navigate to the Application tab
  4. Select Local Storage > https://discordapp.com on the left
  5. Press Ctrl+R to reload
  6. Find token at the bottom and copy the value
  7. Paste the token into line 3 of secret.txt
  • Note that the quotation sign surrounding the "token" can be left on, and will be removed automatically. "token"


When applications in the whitelist is running, Netease Cloud Music's rich presence will pause.

  • To add Application to whilelist, edit windows.txt. More info see FindWindow