
This tool allows you to automatically set-up a new database with correponding; user, permissions, and schema. --Please make sure you have a valid available PostgreSQL user with admin privledges. (e.g; "postgres")

Primary LanguagePython

Automatically set-up new postgreSQL database


This tools allows you to automatically set-up a new PostgreSQl database with corresponding user, specified-schema and correct permissions 0-0 This tool currently only works on Kali-Linux and other Debian based OS.


Before using this tool, ensure you have the following prerequisites:

Installed and set-up:

  • Python 3.x
  • PostgreSQL installed and set-up with a admin postgresql user. (e,g; "postgres")


After you have successfully cloned the project into you're wanted directory on local machine you must set-up the following for the code/program to function correctly.


  • "init-db.psql" -file set-up within the ./config/<file_here> directory //make sure file name matches, currently a example file is present within the dir.
  • "db_layout_visual.txt" -file set-up within the ./config/<file_here> direcory //make sure file name matches, currently a example file is present within the dir.


After setting up the needed file's you can navigate over the the; "./config/settings.py" direcory. This "settings.py" file is where you need specifiy the following;

  • New PostgreSQl user for you're database

  • New PostgreSQL password for you're user

  • New PostgreSQL database (name)

    • Existing postgresql admin user
    • Existing postgresql admin password for you're user
    • Existing postgresql admin database (name)
    • Existing postgresql admin port (corresponing to admin database-name)
    • Most systems have a default "postgresql" admin user and "postgresql" admin database, on default port "5432"

"settings.py" file visualised;

import os

## Database PostgreSQL Credentials

# Creating the new user on database-postgreSQL
postgreSQL_db_new_usr = os.getenv("postgreSQL_db_new_usr", "<postgreSQL_db_new_usr_here>")        # e.g; "clothing_sales_usr"
postgresql_db_new_passwd = os.getenv("postgresql_db_new_passwd", "<postgresql_db_new_passwd_here>")        # e.g; "super_secure_password"

# Creating the new database on PostgreSQL
postgresql_db_new_name = os.getenv("postgresql_db_new_name", "<postgresql_db_new_name_here>")          # e.g; "clothing_sales"

# Credentials used for admin command on PostgreSQL aka "psql" terminal
existing_postgresql_admin_usr = os.getenv("existing_postgresql_admin_usr", "postgres")                      # e.g; "postgres", default admin-usr.
existing_postgresql_admin_usr_passwd = os.getenv("existing_postgresql_admin_usr_passwd", "postgres")        # e.g; "postgres", default admin-usr postgres password.
existing_postgresql_admin_db = os.getenv("existing_postgresql_admin_db", "postgres")                        # e.g; "postgres", default postgres admin password.
existing_postgresql_admin_db_port = os.getenv("existing_postgresql_admin_db_port", "5432")                  # e.g; "5432", default port.

## Other usefull cmds for manually login db //dont have any effect on code, no variables.
# psql -U <postgreSQL_db_new_usr> -d <postgresql_db_new_name>

## Drop user and database;
# dropdb -U <user> <db_name>
# dropuser -U <user> <db_name>

Finalise Set-Up:

1, Navigate to the following directory; "path/to/dir/automatically_setup_new_database_postgreSQL"

  • Following files will be present within this directory:

    app.log  config  grant_permissions.py  main.py  requirements.txt  services_python  services_sh  utils  venv

2, Run the "grant_permissions.py" file located within the the directory to grant the nessecary permissions to our "services_python" and "services_sh" scripts.

sudo python3 grant_permissions.py

3, Install the necessary dependencies, you can use pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running code:

After you have completed full set-up listed above you are ready to utilise the tool! It is important to run the code "main.py" with sudo privledges, this is needed because we are adding a entry to the "pg_hba.conf" postgresql auth-file.

1, Navigate to the directory "path/to/dir/automatically_setup_new_database_postgreSQL"


sudo python3 main.py


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