
This are the mandatory postgreSQL python3 and sh scripts to work with postgreSQL in a code/project.

Primary LanguagePython

PostgreSQL Service Integration in Python3

This repository serves as a reminder of the necessary files and helpful functions when using PostgreSQL service within Python3 code. It provides a structured approach for integrating PostgreSQL into your Python projects efficiently. The layout is exacly what you need, it's very clean and logical. If you want to connect to a newly created database. Simply navigate to "conig/settings.py" config module for setting up a credentials for the actuall corresponding datbase. Here is the actuall "settings.py"-file:

import os

# Database PostgreSQL Credentials
postgresql_db_name = os.getenv("postgresql_db_name","example_database")
postgresql_db_passwd = os.getenv("postgresql_db_passwd", "example_password")
postgresql_db_usr = os.getenv("postgresql_db_usr", "example_user")
postgresql_port = os.getenv("postgresql_port", "5432")
postgresql_host = os.getenv("postgresql_host", "localhost")

Files Included:

  • main.py: The main Python script responsible for orchestrating the PostgreSQL service integration.
  • utils/colors.py: A utility module for defining color constants used in logging messages.
  • utils/logger.py: A utility module for setting up a logger with a specified service name.
  • conig/settings.py: A config module for setting up a credentials for the actuall corresponding datbase.
  • services_python/start_postgresql.py: Python script to start the PostgreSQL service.
  • services_python/connect_db.py: Python script to establish a connection to the PostgreSQL database.
  • services_python/quit_db_connection.py: Python script to gracefully close the PostgreSQL database connection.
  • services_python/stop_postgresql.py: Python script to stop the PostgreSQL service.
  • services_python/check_status_postgresql_service.py: Python script to check the status of the PostgreSQL service.
  • services_sh/start_posgresql.sh.sh: SH script to check the status of the PostgreSQL service. (called by python3 code)
  • services_sh/stop_postgresql.sh.sh: SH script to check the status of the PostgreSQL service. (called by python3 code)
  • services_sh/check_status_postgresql_service.sh: SH script to check the status of the PostgreSQL service. (called by python3 code)


  1. Setup Logger: Use the setup_logger() function from utils/logger.py to set up a logger with a specified service name.
  2. Main Script Execution: Execute main.py to integrate PostgreSQL service into your Python project.
  3. Function Calls:
    • start_postgresql(): Call this function to start the PostgreSQL service.
    • connect_db(): Call this function to establish a connection to the PostgreSQL database.
    • quit_db_connection(cursor): Call this function to gracefully close the PostgreSQL database connection.
    • stop_postgresql(): Call this function to stop the PostgreSQL service.
    • check_status_postgresql_service(): Call this function to check the status of the PostgreSQL service.
  4. Error Handling: Exception handling is implemented to catch and log errors encountered during script execution.
  5. Pull Request: You can easily create a GitHub pull request for this repository when starting a new project to include PostgreSQL service integration.
