- hanseokyoung
- juhee2
- choiseongjunSeoul
- gitlife-on
- saechimdaekiSeoul, South Korea
- limkhl
- JeongJaeSoonDaegu, Korea ⇄ Tokyo, Japan
- feanar729
- eunjju1209
- msyhuSeoul, Republic of Korea
- swim86unifydnorth Carolina
- PrcTcalsuwon
- stories2Seoul
- KKambi
- ArchivvonJangSeoul, South Korea
- YeonjiKim0316Seoul
- Uginimseoul
- ooshyunSeoul
- bravacoreanaMilan, Italy
- DPS0340Seoul, Republic of Korea
- JeongHyeon-KimSeoul, Korea
- imchanyang
- tinajeongSeongnam-si
- eabinn
- ever0deSeoul, Republic of Korea
- jonatthan-kim
- gdaw3440서울
- sa46lllSeoul, Republic of Korea
- xxeunghyunsomewhere
- hyejineeeGoyang, Republic of Korea
- lee-sihyun
- Insiro
- yoonju3221
- wjxor
- rinjyuRepublic of Korea, Seoul
- yuuvvKorea