Bank Program

This is a program for interacting with a bank account. I used a TDD process to create this program, writing out what commands I wanted the program to respond to in a manual feature test in irb first. After writting unit tests to match the failing feature tests, passing these tests and repeating this cycle gave me a program that I think is very intuitive to use. I did split the BankAccount class into 2 (creating a statement class) as it felt that the first had to manmy responsibilities. Now the BankAccount class has the responsibility of updating balance based on transactions, and the Statement class has the responsibility of storing and displaying those transactions.

Set up

Once you have Forked/Cloned this repo run:

> bundle

Check the How to use section for further details on how to interact with the program.

Running tests


% rspec

Running linting


% rubocop

How to use

This program runs in the command line, to start simply open up irb and run:

> require './lib/bank_account.rb'

You will then need to create an BankAccount. It is best if you save one to memory by storing it in a variable:

> account =

You can then deposit an amount:

> account.deposit(1000)

You can also withdraw an amount:

> account.withdraw(250)

And you can view a statement:

> account.statement
 => date || credit || debit || balance
    31/08/2021 || || 250.00 || 750.00
    31/08/2021 || 1000.00 || || 1000.00


Screenshot of app running