Bookmark Manager

User stories

As a user
So I can quickly visit my favourite websites
I would like to see a list of my bookmarks
As a user
So I can store a bookmark to visit later
I would like to add a bookmark
As a user
So I can remove a bookmark from bookmark manager
I would like to delete a bookmark
As a user
So I can change a bookmark's details
I would like to update a bookmark
As a user
So I can remember things about the bookmark
I would like to comment on a bookmark

Domain model

domain model

How to use

Set up

Clone this repository and then run:


Database setup

connect to psql and create bookmark_manager and bookmark_manager_test databases:

CREATE DATABASE bookmark_manager;
CREATE DATABASE bookmark_manager_test;

To set up the appropriate tables, connect to each database in psql and then run the each SQL script in the db/migrations folder in order.

To run the Bookmark Manager app

rackup -p 3000

To view bookmarks, navigate to localhost:3000/bookmarks.

To run tests


To run linting
