
A custom joystick configuration and Nasal library for FlightGear Flight Simulator and the Xbox 360 controller.

Xbox 360 gamepad configuration for FlightGear

This is my custom joystick configuration for Xbox 360 controllers for FlightGear Flight Simulator. Unlike the default config, it supports Windows and Linux, and it contains some cool extra bindings that make use of the thumbsticks and bumpers. For this extra functionality, a special Nasal library is used.

Note that this configuration has only been tested with a wired controller. It might work with a wireless one with some tweaks.


  1. Clone this repository.


  1. Copy windows/x360.xml to $FG_ROOT\Input\Joysticks\. Delete (or change the file extension of) the default configuration at $FG_ROOT\Input\Joysticks\Microsoft\xbox-360-controller.xml.
  2. Copy windows/x360.nas to $FG_ROOT\Nasal\.


  1. Note: This config is designed to work with the xpad driver. This should be loaded by default in modern kernels.
  2. Copy linux_xpad/x360.xml to $FG_ROOT/Input/Joysticks/.
  3. Copy linux_xpad/x360.nas to $FG_ROOT/Nasal/.



  • Left bumper: Shifter button. While this button is pressed, other buttons will execute their shifted actions (if there are any assigned). This is analogous to the Control or Shift keys on a keyboard.
  • Right bumper: Raise or lower landing gear.
    • Shift: Toggle parking brake.


  • Left trigger: Move rudder left, like a rudder pedal.
  • Right trigger: Move rudder right, like a rudder pedal.


  • Left thumbstick: X axis controls ailerons, Y axis controls elevators.
    • Shift: Y axis increases and decreases FOV.
  • Right thumbstick: Y axis controls throttle incrementally. Push up to increase, push down to decrease. Feels very natural.
    • Shift: Axes move your view, like a first-person shooter.
    • Shift + Press: View auto-centers and returns to the default FOV.


  • D-pad up: Raise flaps.
  • D-pad down: Lower flaps.
  • D-pad left: Cycle view backwards.
  • D-pad right: Cycle view forwards.


  • A: Elevator trim up, fine.
    • Shift: Elevator trim up, coarse.
  • X: Elevator trim down, fine.
    • Shift: Elevator trim down, coarse.
  • B: Right wheel brakes.
  • Y: Left wheel brakes.

(If you want to apply the brakes evenly, you need to press B and Y at the same time.)

  • Back: Open autopilot dialog.
    • Shift: Close autopilot dialog.
  • Start: Open moving map.
    • Shift: Close moving map.
  • Xbox/Guide: (Linux only) Cycle HUD.

(I do not know if it is possible to make a binding that opens or closes a dialog. Help needed.)

(The Windows driver does not report the Xbox button to FlightGear.)


Copyright (C) 2014 Ryan Young. Public domain.