
How to change ply results of MVSNet to obj ?

chaytonmin opened this issue · 6 comments

I find that the dataset on the website Altizure is great. How can I to change ply results of MVSNet to obj and the results of mvsnet can be the same as shown in Altizure?

Basically you cannot. MVSNet is a multi-view stereo algorithm, which is only a small part contributes to the whole 3D reconstruction pipeline.

Basically you cannot. MVSNet is a multi-view stereo algorithm, which is only a small part contributes to the whole 3D reconstruction pipeline.

Thanks a lot!

I have another question. what is the meaning of the last line in cams of the new blendedMVS dataset?


from the MVSNet repo, it seems it's


Although I think the numbers DEPTH_INTERVAL DEPTH_NUM should not be in the dataset since it's algorithm-dependent... You can have any interval, any depth num you want, it has nothing to do with the data itself.

How to get the final textured mesh in supplementaries?
I downloaded the textured mesh in supplementaries. However, they are divided into many small parts? How to merge them ?

You can drag all mesh files together into meshlab to view the model. Some of the scenes are too large so we can only store them in different files.

You can drag all mesh files together into meshlab to view the model. Some of the scenes are too large so we can only store them in different files.
