
Yummybooru is a Danbooru/Moebooru client/viewer for android

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Yummybooru for android :3

This application's goal is to be the best available booru client in all aspects. To suggest a feature, join our discord server. https://discord.gg/dCnjBJtf55


Start screen

  • You can add a new server by clicking on the + icon

  • Pressing the search icon allows you to choose tags to search for

  • You can select one or more tags (danbooru has a limit of 2 tags) before searching

  • Click on the search icon to start the search

  • The plus icon allows you to search and add tags to your history

  • The X icon will deselect all selected tags

Preview images

- The +/- icon allows you to add/remove a tag to your history - Click the heart icon to (un-)favorite a tag - Long click an image or click on "Select all" in the toolbar to select one or more images. You can (de-)select more images by clicking or dragging

Large images

  • Swipe up or press the save icon to save the image to your storage

  • Swipe up two times to add all authors to your tag history

  • Swipe left/right to see the last/next image

  • Swipe down to go back to the preview images

  • Swipe left from the right border or click on the info icon to see the posts tags

Followed tags

  • Following tags is the major feature of Yummybooru. Following a tag allows you to see all images posted since the last time you checked them.

  • When following a tag, you can see new posts by clicking on "following" in the left navigation view of the start screen

  • You will see all followed tags and how many new posts were made since the last time you checked them

  • By clicking the update icon or selecting one or more tags, you can set the last time you checked of all/the selected tags to now



  • "Hide images from gallery" will create a .nomedia file. Gallery apps will ignore this folder, so the images are not shown in your gallery

  • "Download extra large picture" will save the biggest possible resolution of an image. I recommend switching this on except if you wifi is reeaaaallllly slow. Switching it off will result in smaller images with worse quality being saved to your storage

  • "Download ugoira as webm" should be enabled as well. An ugoira is a format made by pixiv, similar to a gif. If you disable this, a .zip file will be downloaded instead

  • "Parallel downloads (default 5)" is more or less self-explanatory. Reduce the amount of parallel download if you experience long loading times for a single image

  • "Post per page" will change the amount of preview images loaded with each page

Preview images

  • Enable "staggered mode" to use staggered mode (right screenshot). I recommend setting the amount of columns to 2

Large images

  • "Preload large images (default 1)" will load more large images in the background, for a smoother experience when swiping left/right.
  • You can enable "Click for next image" to replace swiping left with a click


  • "Create backup" will create a backup of your settings, tag history and servers in your save directory
  • "Restore backup" will restore a backup

Thanks to