
zha-new suddenly stops...

Closed this issue · 9 comments

I looked at my HA installation a bit ago and realized that zha-new was erroring out. This is the closest thing I can figure is causing it and I notice in the git repository, something was changed (looks like yesterday). I had to manually install files before with your help, but I don't remember how we did it.

Not initializing zha_new because could not install requirement https://github.com/Yoda-x/zigpy/archive/preview.zip#zigpy==0.1.4-Ypre

https://github.com/Yoda-x/zigpy/archive/preview.zip#zigpy==0.1.4-Ypre: HTTP error 404 while getting https://github.com/Yoda-x/zigpy/archive/preview.zip#zigpy==0.1.4-Ypre
Could not install requirement https://github.com/Yoda-x/zigpy/archive/preview.zip#zigpy==0.1.4-Ypre because of error 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://codeload.github.com/Yoda-x/zigpy/zip/preview
Could not install requirement https://github.com/Yoda-x/zigpy/archive/preview.zip#zigpy==0.1.4-Ypre because of HTTP error 404 Client Error: Not Found for url: https://codeload.github.com/Yoda-x/zigpy/zip/preview for URL https://github.com/Yoda-x/zigpy/archive/preview.zip#zigpy==0.1.4-Ypre
You are using pip version 10.0.1, however version 18.1 is available.
You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command.

I did some cleanups of the preview branches.
Can you please switch/update your zha_new to the preview branch? This should fix it.


just copy from the zip the files in dir custom_components over the files in you config_dir/custom_components dir.
And do a restart
What you did should also be ok, just make sure the directory structure is the same

this version needs the newest hass >=0.84, so please update you hass installation.
Not sure what kind if installation you have ? plain install, venv, docker, hassio?

where you able to get it running again?

any news?

I replied by email twice now, not sure why they aren't showing up. Everything is working perfectly again as far as zha-new is concerned.

perfect, and many thanks