- 1
Failed UART startup?
#100 opened by MYeager1967 - 10
Any plans to submit changes from ha-zha-new and zigpy fork to upstream ZHA and zigpy?
#99 opened by Hedda - 51
- 3
Sensor states never update
#95 opened by andrewlphilpott - 2
Add device model names to topology map
#97 opened by mikeybeck - 0
HACS Support?
#96 opened by MYeager1967 - 4
Xiaomi water sensor not detecting water
#93 opened by sarkar-anwar - 7
Issue with WXKG01LM
#89 opened by sarkar-anwar - 21
Missing file "zigpy.quirks"
#85 opened by MYeager1967 - 3
Can't connect WXKG01LM
#88 opened by sarkar-anwar - 21
sendunicast reply timeout error
#87 opened by andrewlphilpott - 8
- 23
Are Tradfri remotes supported without bulbs?
#69 opened by axxelh - 44
restart of HA kills zigbee database
#74 opened by marc-gist - 6
Xiaomi temperature sensor appears in celsius?
#78 opened by kevinduong - 2
Install issue on 91.0 and hassio 2.11
#83 opened by potgieterdl - 5
Device WXKG03LM
#84 opened by Alfiegerner - 1
WXKG02LM. Again
#82 opened by estevez-dev - 5
Can't connect WXKG02LM
#79 opened by estevez-dev - 1
HA 0.89 support
#77 opened by estevez-dev - 3
- 9
zha-new suddenly stops...
#72 opened by MYeager1967 - 12
- 6
lumi.plug ZNCZ02LM Support
#66 opened by HDC67 - 31
Xiaomi aqara switch WXKG12LM
#63 opened by alex-v-g - 36
- 22
Slow UI response to bulb brightness change
#62 opened by OrangeFractal - 10
Xiaomi Aqara WXKG02LM
#71 opened by estevez-dev - 35
- 10
Cannot pair Xiaomi Aqara
#67 opened by darootler - 4
- 68
Support for HA version of NYCE sensors?
#47 opened by MYeager1967 - 5
- 1
- 35
- 3
change symlink files to imports files
#53 opened by Yoda-x - 19
Can't add xiaomi aqara motion sensor
#50 opened by bakazm - 6
possible bug in bellows/send_zdo_broadcast()
#33 opened by Adminiuga - 8
Motion sensor no longer updates, with Updating zha_new zha_new took longer than the scheduled update interval 0:00:15
#40 opened by kkr16 - 2
- 1
- 3
"Error calling listener.attribute_updated: Error binding parameter 4 - probably unsupported type."
#38 opened by mrfoxbit - 1
documentation for tradfri sensors
#36 opened by h3ndrik - 1
- 1
- 13
Osram Lightify dimming switch is not working
#26 opened by Adminiuga - 0
correct code for yaml
#32 opened by alexeinz - 1
help with setup?
#31 opened by alexeinz - 9
Original Xiaomi motion sensor error during pairing
#29 opened by dgz - 4