
Xiaomi water sensor not detecting water

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I am not sure if this is zha_new related or not. If not, please feel free to close it and point me to right direction.

I bought some Xiaomi water sensors from here. They paired with the names like this- binary_sensor.binary_sensor_lumi_lumi_sensor_wleak_aq1_0281f51b_1,

When I test them by putting some water on a plate and placing the sensors in the water, the sensor does not detect the water. I waited about 10 minutes for the sensor to change status. But when I press the button on top, the sensor update the status and detects water immediately. Same thing happens when I take them off the water and dry them. Also this is not due to defective sensor as I have about 8 of them and all of them are showing the same thing.

is it possible that when the sensors detects water they use a different method of updating status comapred to the button press and that method is not being detected by zha_new?

it's an issue with my code. please get the new master. It should work now.
thanks for pointing this out.

Thanks for the quick fix. Do I need to pair the sensors again? Or just updating the code would work?

just updating the code will work. The messages from the devices arrived already, they were just ignored.

Looks to be working perfectly. Thanks a lot. Closing the issue.