

Check the documentation to get started on integration.

Demo App

To get started with the demo app, follow the instructions below:

1. If you already have CocoaPods(1.8.0 and above) installed, please skip this step. Otherwise, to install CocoaPods, use the following command.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://gist.githubusercontent.com/nicky9112/0bf903795f77c5052ff12c92e629f975/raw/a8783d03c96b8d1d50f92977bfa0112711fbc57a/install-cocoapods.sh)"

2. Execute the following commands in the Terminal.

pod install --repo-update

3. Change Bundle Identifier to your game's Bundle Identifier

4. Change Your AppKey value in AppDelegate.m file with the AppId

SDKConfig *config = [[SDKConfig alloc]init];
config.appKey = @"Your AppKey";
[Yodo1Manager initSDKWithConfig:config];

5. Change AppsFlyerDevKey, AppleAppId, ThinkingAppId values in Info.plist

    	<string>[ThinkingData AppId]</string> 
    	<string>[Apple AppId]</string> 
    	<string>[AppsFlyer DevKey]</string> 

6. Change Yodo1ProductInfo.plist to purchase product

<key>custom name</key> 
        <string>product name</string> 
        <string>product id</string> 
        <string>product description</string> 
        <string>displayed price</string> 
        <string>product price</string> 
        <string>1(0:not consumable, 1:consumable, 2:auto subscribe, 3:non-auto subscription)</string> 
        <string>Period Unit</string> 