add, remove, play sound bites from youtube videos all within discord
create your own bot at
after pulling, create .env file with DISCORD_TOKEN=
using your bot's token.
install dependences with yarn install
local mongodb for storing user and sound bite metadata is required
run with node index.js
all sounds files ripped from youtube are saved in opus format to the project's local /sounds directory. bot will auto create the /sounds directory on first run.
FFMPEG must be installed on the local machine running the bot or the youtube ripping will not work
list of bot commands:
!!join - bot joins your voice channel
!!leave - bot leaves your voice channel
!!add <name> <youtube link> <start timestamp> <end timestamp> - adds new named sound bite. start and end timestamps optional
!!remove <name> - delete sound bite
!!volume <name> <number> - change the volume of a sound bite by multiplying its current volume value (always 1) by a given number (0.5 to halve, 2 to double, etc.)
!!play <name> - plays named sound bite
!!<name> - shorthand command to play named sound bite
!!whatis <name> - show sound bite details
!!describe <name> <text> - saves a description for a sound bite
!!stop - stop the currently playing sound bite
!!entrance <name(OPTIONAL)> - turn your entrance music on or off. provide a name to set what your entrance music should be.
!!list - list all sound bites