Rolling Ball

Let's make a PWA of this game!


To make this app fully progressive, it needs to be served over HTTPS. Let's use Google Firebase hosting for that!

  1. Create a project for yourself at Google Firebase
  2. Install the Firebase CLI
  3. Run firebase init in this project. Choose "Hosting" and use the current directory (.) as web directory (instead of the default public path).

Now you can serve the app locally with firebase serve. You can deploy the app to a HTTPS environment using firebase deploy.

You can test the PWA features using Lighthouse in Chrome Devtools.

A. Service Worker support

This part can be done locally. Use firebase serve to run the app locally.

  1. Register the service worker in app.js. Check in your Devtools if it is being registered correctly.
  2. Prefetch all the required assets (/, /style.css, /app.js) on install. Check in your Devtools if the assets are added to the application cache.
  3. Now serve the cached assets from cache, on the fetch event. Check if the app works offline.
  4. All right, you made it so far! Now it would be nice to update the pre-fetched assets when there are updates. You can check it by changing something in index.html, without changing the service worker, and see if it is updated in the cache on refresh (and being served after a second refresh).

A bonus exercise: support different caches per service worker instance. I recommend doing exercise B first!

  • You need a different cache name per instance.
  • On activate of the new service worker, it should cleanup the old caches.
  • The new service worker is being activated when all tabs are closed.

B. App Manifest

  1. Add a app manifest.json. You can use App Manifest Generator for that.
  2. Register it using <link rel="manifest" href="manifest.json">. You might also want to add <meta name="theme-color" content="yourhexcolorhere">.
  3. Validate your manifest using Chrome Lighthouse.

For iOS, some manifest options are ignored / not implemented yet. You the following metatags to make it work on iOS (replace the values!).

<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="your hex color here">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="your app name here">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="images/icons/icon-152x152.png">

Deploy and test it!

Now deploy using firebase deploy. On both iOS and Android you should be able to add it to your homescreen and use it offline. On Android, the PWA will be detected, and a popup should automatically show up within 30 seconds.