Language Technology Practical in which a question answering system is designed for questions regarding music.

Primary LanguagePython

The current program was created by Marieke Bouma, Indy Roode, Jori Blankestijn and Yoes Ywema (Team Queen)

You can run the program in the terminal by typing: python3 final.py
This way of running the program first answers all questions in "test_questions.txt" if this file exists. It then gives you a welcome message asking you to type in a new question.
If you would like to let the program answer a couple of questions in a row, you can also add these to example_queries and uncomment print_example_queries().

Lastly, you can run the program for one question by typing: echo "[QUESTION]" | python3 final.py. When doing this, note that the "test_questions.txt" file will still be read and answered unless you comment out line 745: "print_from_file()".