
coVaccine is a Covid-19 live tracker and Vaccination registration & appointment taken application. Which is currently in its initial phase.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


coVaccine is a Covid-19 live tracker and Vaccination registration and appointment taken application. Which is curruntly in its initial phase.

  • COVID-19 cases live-tracker (Completed)
  • Vaccine Registration (Working)
  • Vaccination Appointment (Yet not started)


  • Countup for confirmed, recovered and deaths number of cases.
  • CountryPicker to get data for specific country.
  • LineChar and BarChart for visualization of data.

In second phase You can also:

  • Register yourself by mobile number for vaccination.
  • Get a appointment in your desired location using area pincode

Technology Stack Used

coVaccine uses a number of open source library,framework or repo's to work properly:

  • ReactJS - HTML enhanced for web apps!
  • Style-Components - great styled component for UI development
  • nodejs - evented I/O for the console.
  • ChartJS - data visiulization tool for barChar and LineChart.
  • axios - promise-based HTTP client that sports an easy-to-use API


coVaccine requires Node.js to run.

Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.

$ cd coVaccine
$ npm install

The Dependencies which are written in package.json file will be install in your folder inside a another folder name as node_modules.


Want to contribute? Great!

Open your favorite Terminal and run this command.

$ npm run dev-server

Great Now you can start your contribution or start your learning process.


  • Don't Commit Changes until your work is checked
  • Always make commit in another branches, not in master.