
I have build a Calender App where you can add all your Meetings tasks. This application has a Navbar that contains 2 tabs - I. Home(index.html) II. Calender(calender.html)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

WEB - Masai Monthly Calender

Submission Instructions [Please note]

Maximum Marks - 20

  • The Submission should not contain spaces, for example,/js-101 folder/eval will not work
 ✅ able to submit the app - 1 mark ( minimum score )
 ✅ Form Submit Storing Data is LS - 2 marks.
 ✅ Check the LS Data after mutiple form submits - 2 marks.
 ✅ By Default only the January Cards are showing in appropriate Week Column  - 3 marks.
 ✅ Check the flex value and the responsiveness of the calender Columns  - 1 marks.
 ✅ Check the board after changing the week  - 2 marks.
 ✅ Change the month and check the board - 3 mark.
 ✅ Chage the week again after month changing - 3 marks.
 ✅ Check the Deleting Functionality - 3 marks.


  • you can use any node version that works for you ( 14+ )
  • Download and unzip the boilerplate
  • Navigate to the correct path

Folder structure

  • index.html
  • calender.html
  • Scripts/index.js
  • Scripts/calender.js
  • Styles(This is a Folder. Create all your CSS files inside this folder)
  • Please ignore all the other files/folders except the above-mentioned ones.

You haven't taught cypress to run the test cases locally, you can see the passed/ failed test cases and test errors on CP itself.

Use the template provided below to write your code (Mandatory)

Some Rules to follow:-

  • Before writing a single line of code please read the problem statement very carefully.
  • Don't change the already given ids or classes.
  • If you don't follow these rules you might not get any marks even if you do everything correctly.

Problem Statement:-

  • Build a Calender App where you can add all your Meetings tasks.
  • Your application has a Navbar that contains 2 tabs (this is already in the template no need to build it).
    1. Home(index.html)
    2. Calender(calender.html)

Home Page (index.html):-

  • This page contains a form with 3 input boxes and one select tag and a textarea having the following fields (this is already in the template no need to build).
  1. Name (Input-Type-text)
  2. Description (Textarea)
  3. Month (Select)
  4. Week (Select)
  5. MeetType (Select)
  • On clicking on form submit (form submit event) you should store todo data in your local storage with key meets.

Hint : localStorage.setItem("meets",JSON.stringify)

  • Refer to this image for better understanding:- form.png

  • Refer to this doc to understand how to work with textarea - Link.

Calender Page (calender.html):-

  • On this page all the data from the meets will be shown in a board.

  • In your html file there is a div with a class calender.

  • Inside that div we have 4 divs with the following ids:-

    1. Week-1
    2. Week-2
    3. Week-3
    4. Week-4
  • There will also be a select tag with id:- month. By default the value of the select tag will be January.

  • Now Show the Meets in form of small cards based on the select tag value. So by default show only those cards that has month as January.

  • Now append them to the div whick matches with it's week value. So inside div with id Week-1 append the cards which has week value as Week-1.


  • When Someone changes the month select tags value then the new selected months should show up. Like if the new selected value is February then show only those cards that has month value as February.


  • Below is the format for the meet cards.
    <option value="Week-1">Week-1</option>
    <option value="Week-2">Week-2</option>
    <option value="Week-3">Week-3</option>
    <option value="Week-4">Week-4</option>
  • If the user changes the select tag value of any card, the localStorage and DOM should be updated.


  • Each todo card also has a button with the text Delete. Clicking on the button that perticular card should be deleted both from DOM and from localStoarge.

  • Use flex in the div with class calender to create this layout. Also when the screensize is less than or equal to 900px the flex-direction should change to column.

General guidelines

  • The system on cp.masaischool.com may take between 1-20 minutes for responding,
  • so we request you to read the problem carefully and debug it before itself
  • we also request you not just submit it last minute
  • try to keep one submission at a time