
Primary LanguagePython


ecstats is a script which helps to capture your AWS ElastiCache usage. The scripts extract your current usage in ElastiCache, including the information such as throughput, dataset size and operation types.

How it works

This pullElasticCacheStats script connects to your AWS account using boto3 (AWS API), and pulls out your current ElastiCache usage. The script pulls the stats from ElastiCache, CloudWatch and Cost Estimator API's for a a specified region. First the ElastiCache clusters information is extracted such as number of clusters and instance types. Then additional information is extracted from CloudWatch, such as the operations types and throughput, network utilization to help better understand your Redis cluster utilization.

You can see a sample out put sampleStats.csv in the outputs folder.

Running from Docker

Copy config file and edit

$ cp config.cfg.example config.cfg

Run docker mount the current directory for the docker image

$ docker run -v$(pwd):/ecstats docker.pkg.github.com/redislabs-solution-architects/ecstats/ecstats:1.0

Results will be stored in the mounted folder (example)

$ ls *.csv

Running from source

# Clone:
git clone https://github.com/Redislabs-Solution-Architects/EC2RL

# Prepare virtualenv:
cd EC2RL
mkdir .env
virtualenv .env

# Activate virtualenv
. .env/bin/activate

# Install necessary libraries
pip install -r requirements.txt

# When finished

To run the script copy the configuration file and edit:

cp config.cfg.example config.cfg


python pullElasticCacheStats.py -c config.cfg

or to pull cloud watch stats for a longer period run

python pullElasticCacheStats.py -c config.cfg --days 31

The output will be a CSV files named according to the sections and region which are in the config file.