
Convert online media into podcast feeds.

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Convert online media into podcast feeds.

PyPI - Version PyPI - Status PyPI - Python Version PyPI - Implementation PyPI - License


  • Extract audio from online videos.
  • No need to deploy web services.
  • Generate podcast feeds.
  • Deploy with watch mode to keep feeds up-to-date.


This tool uses ffmpeg to extract audio from videos. Ensure it's installed within $PATH before using this tool.

Additionally, you should install extra dependencies according to your requirements:

  • podmaker[all]: Install all extra dependencies.
  • podmaker[s3]: Install dependencies for S3 storage.
  • podmaker[youtube]: Install dependencies for YouTube.

Install multiple extra dependencies simultaneously using podmaker[extra1,extra2,...].


Before diving into this tool, craft a configuration file, a TOML file to be precise. By default, the file resides at ${WORK_DIR}/config.toml. Customize the path using the -c or --config option. An example configuration file can be found at config.example.toml.



Deploy this tool in the background with systemd (requires root privileges):

# create virtual environment
apt install python3 python3-venv
mkdir -p /opt/podmaker && cd /opt/podmaker
python3 -m venv venv

# install podmaker
./venv/bin/pip install "podmaker[all]"

# create and edit config file
curl -o config.toml https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YogiLiu/podmaker/main/config.example.toml
vim config.toml

# create systemd service
curl -o /etc/systemd/system/podmaker.service https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YogiLiu/podmaker/main/systemd/podmaker.service
systemctl daemon-reload

# enable and start service
systemctl enable podmaker
systemctl start podmaker


Using pip

For the optimal experience, we recommend installing this tool within a virtual environment.

pip install "podmaker[all]"

Using pipx

pipx install "podmaker[all]"


podmaker -c path/to/config.toml


python -m podmaker -c path/to/config.toml



  • YouTube
    • Playlist
    • Channel
  • BiliBili

Resource Hosting

  • S3
  • Local


Your contributions are invaluable. Feel free to submit pull requests. Before committing, ensure your changes pass unit tests and autohooks.

To activate autohooks, use the following command:

poetry run autohooks activate --mode poetry

This process will automatically lint, format, and sort code imports.

When introducing new features, remember to provide corresponding tests.


For licensing details, refer to LICENSE.