The goal of the project is to design a system with a size of a tube about 40cm long by 7cm in diameter, which can be released in free fall from almost anywhere, and will automatically deploy a parachute canopy and steer it to a precise GPS point.
- aleyvaGPC Inc
- anthoine001FRANCE
- ArsenioDevNorthern Virginia
- Cightline
- cookinsKiev, UA
- crfqkccolumbia, MO
- CWCorreaMedellin, Colombia
- daedalusMontevideo, Uruguay
- debbenDetroit MI
- donkikos
- DrRocketryRogue Experimental Technologies
- ewpratten@cloudflare
- fbrktMontreal
- fettfrisur
- frx08Italy
- JaredLThompsonMesa, AZ
- jbdoucetTrenton, Ontario
- jbergenudd
- jdmontyEPD
- jeremyosih@kima-ventures
- johnkay01
- KevWalUnseen Org
- Lady-Hope
- mafrmt00Sulz am Neckar, Germany
- Manschm
- ndanilo8Moscow Aviation Institute (National Reseach University)
- platypiiSeattle
- RChadwick7NJ, US
- Red-bress
- rmaccrone
- rrwakc
- saidinesh5Hyderabad
- strud
- vigneshdeepa
- waz0wskiZZ9ZA
- zizzer