
Implementation of scalable Gaussian process classification (GPC) with additive noise for various likelihoods

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Scalable Gaussian process classification with additive noise for various likelihoods

This is the python implementation of scalable Gaussian process classification (GPC) with additive noise for various likelihoods.

As a statistical model, GPC provides a flexible and powerful framework describing joint distributions over function space. Conventional GPCs however suffer from two prominent weaknesses:

  1. the poor scalability for big data due to the full kernel matrix; and
  2. the intractable inference due to the non-Gaussian likelihoods.

To address the two issues, various scalable GPCs have been proposed through

  1. the sparse approximation which employs a small inducing set to distill the entire training data in order to reduce the time complexity; and
  2. the approximate inference to derive analytical evidence lower bound (ELBO).

However, these scalable GPCs equipped with analytical ELBO are limited to specific likelihoods or additional assumptions.

In this work, we present a unifying framework which accommodates scalable GPCs with various likelihoods. Analogous to GP regression (GPR), we introduce additive noises to augment the probability space for (i) the GPCs with step and (multinomial) probit/logit likelihoods via the internal variables; and particularly, (ii) the GPC using softmax likelihood via the noise variables themselves, resulting in scalable models with analytical ELBO by using variational inference.

The model is implemented based on GPflow 1.3.0 and tested using Tensorflow 1.13.0.

The illustration examples are provided in


