
We will learn how to simply setup an app for Data visualisation and restitution. this will be usefull for you projects on the weeks to come.



Before everything let us install the requirements provided inside requirements.txt

pip install -r requirements.txt

Now run:

streamlit run

Now inspect and check what is being done inside


Now that you checked your app works locally, you might want it to run free on a remote server.

Create folder outside data-challenges

Here as heroku is based on git, we will create a folder outside our gitted data-challenges folder.

mkdir -p ~/code/<user.github_nickname>/taxifare_streamlit
cp -rf * ~/code/<user.github_nickname>/taxifare_streamlit
cd ~/code/<user.github_nickname>/taxifare_streamlit

Version it for future heroku use:

cd ~/code/<user.github_nickname>/taxifare_streamlit && git init

Deploy to heroku

You'll see once again how heroku is easy to use, here you simply need to:

  • Create a Procfile with following line inside it:
web: sh && streamlit run
git add . && git commit -am "add streamlit app"
  • login to heroku
heroku login
  • create app on heroku
heroku create YOUR_APP_NAME
  • Build it on heroku servers using git
git push heroku master
  • Then deploy
heroku ps:scale web=1

click on the link to visualize your app

Useful links