
Table of Contents


  • Welcome to my personal portfolio website! This website showcases my skills, projects, and experience as a software engineer. You can access the live demo here.

Built With

  • The personal portfolio website is built using
    • HTML
    • CSS, and
    • JavaScript
  • It also utilizes
    • TypedJs for typeing animation on home section,
    • smtpJs for server sending email in contact me section,
    • gtagJs for trackining data such as audience, page views, and events to view on Google Analytics
    • font-awesome for icons in different sections.
    • semistandard to make sure JS code is semistandard compliant
    • G-Drive Linker to generate direct download link from googleDoc so that i dont have to upload my CV to this repo every time i update it
    • for designing and organizing favicon,
    • VScode as IDE,
    • git and github as version control...


  • The personal portfolio website includes the following sections:
    • Navigation: The website includes a navigation bar with links to different sections such as Home, About, Services, Portfolio, and Contact.
    • Home: The home section introduces me as Yohannes Mekonnen, a Software Engineer/Developer.
    • About: The about section provides detailed information about me, including my education, skills, and proficiency in programming languages.
    • Education: The education section lists my educational background, related courses and trainings I have completed.
    • Trainings and Certificates: This section showcases the various trainings and certificates I have obtained.
    • Services: The services section highlights the software development services I offer.
    • Portfolio: The portfolio section showcases some of my past projects.

Things to include in near Future

- Read more and less buttons in education and training section
- Copy to clipboard on click for long links
- Change picture
- Add better projects
  • The personal portfolio website includes the following sections:
    • Navigation: The website includes a navigation bar with links to different sections such as Home, About, Services, Portfolio, and Contact.
    • Home: The home section introduces me as Yohannes Mekonnen, a Software Engineer/Developer.
    • About: The about section provides detailed information about me, including my education, skills, and proficiency in programming languages.
    • Education: The education section lists my educational background, related courses and trainings I have completed.
    • Trainings and Certificates: This section showcases the various trainings and certificates I have obtained.
    • Services: The services section highlights the software development services I offer.
    • Portfolio: The portfolio section showcases some of my past projects.


LinkedIn Discord Medium


I would like to acknowledge the following sources for their contributions: