Page 1

Navigation Bar linking to all 4 pages

- 1 header using H1
- 3 sections of text with H2 headers
- 1 image

Page 2

Navigation Bar linking to all 4 pages

- HTML form with a minimum of:
-- 1 fieldset
-- 3 inputs
-- 2 text
-- 1 checkbox
-- 1 textarea
- Appropriate labels for the above
-- 1 button

Page 3

Navigation Bar linking to all 4 pages

-- 1 header using H1
-- 1 ordered or unordered list of links to 5 other websites

Page 4

Navigation Bar linking to all 4 pages

-- 1 header using H1
-- 6 images displayed 3 wide and 2 down
- A label for each image
- Clicking on the image opens the source of that image in a new window