
Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


An offline Rendering Engine.
Discord server!

Getting Started

If you're a developer, and want to get started and contribute to this. The instructions are below.

WARNING: If you just want to use the application, look at Installation

  1. Make sure you have Embree 3.0 installed.
  2. Clone this repository with git clone https://github.com/LegendWasTaken/CRender.git
  3. If you're compiling from the command line
    1. cd CRender (Or what the directory is called)
    2. cmake . To configure the build
    3. cmake --build . --target {TARGET} TARGET can be Release or Debug
    4. You should find your executable in /cmake-build-{TARGET}/CRender
  4. If you're using an IDE with cmake integration, just build the project as you normally would.


  1. Download the latest release for your operating system from here
  2. Extract to destination
  3. Download and install Embree
    Note: On Windows, make sure to add bin to the PATH variable - follow the instructions on the Embree repository for your OS.
  4. Run CRender.exe and enjoy!



  1. To build this project you will require Intel Rendering Toolkit, specifically Embree 3.0 & Open Image Denoise (online version), Intel Threaded Building Blocks, CMake, and libxi-dev build-essential xorg libglfw3 libglfw3-dev libxinerama-dev libxcursor-dev (these are the packages for Debian/Ubuntu)
  2. You will need to run source /opt/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh so it sets the global vars needed for building. If this doesn't work please look for this file, and source that file in the same terminal window you compile in.
  3. Next you will need to run cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE . this will build the cache
  4. Finally you need to build it using cmake --build . --target CRender, now this will take a while.
  5. Run ./CRender

Bugs/issues with building:

If you get an error such as ./CRender: symbol lookup error: /opt/intel/oneapi/oidn/1.4.0/lib/libOpenImageDenoise.so.1: undefined symbol: _ZN3tbb6detail2r15spawnERNS0_2d14taskERNS2_18task_group_contextE you need to remove every tbb package except the intel one. If if you get a glenable etc error you need to get new drivers If it cannot find embree you will need to go to /opt/intel/oneapi and move embree to a folder called embree instead of embreeX.XXX


If you would like to contribute to this repository, just make a half decent PR. I have no requirements for now... OB[3~[3~