

Primary LanguageC

Raspbian kernel 4.19.88-v7+ with drivers for SIM7600

Tested with Raspbian Buster

How to install

  • Clone this repository at home directory in a PC with ubuntu
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/jordy33/sim7600.git
  • To install connect the SD card (image from the raspberry) to the pc using an USB adapter.

  • Copy boot folder (from the clone repository) into boot partition

Using Nautilus replace all the contents from the boot directory (that you copy from the repository) into the SD card on the boot partition

Enabling the Serial interface to access the raspberry pi via serial port.

sudo nano /media/$USER/boot/config.txt

At the last line insert:

  • Copy rootfs folder into rootfs partition

You can't use Nautilus. The rootfs only can be write by root Do the following commands

sudo -i
cd /media/$USER/rootfs/lib/modules
cp -fr /home/$USER/sim7600/rootfs/lib/modules/* .

Insert the SD card in the raspberry pi and boot.

Connect to the raspberry pi the waveshare module using a USB cable

Also set the yellow jumpers as shown in the picture

Connect the raspberry to the internet with the ethernet cable

Login via ssh (change the command below with your ip)

ssh pi@


  • Make sure that the raspberry pi is connected with the ethernet port to the internet
  • All the following commands are executed in the raspberry pi

Installing Qualcomm QMI interface

Configure Locales

Edit /etc/locale.gen and uncomment the line with en_US.UTF-8


sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
update-locale en_US.UTF-8

Installing qmicli

sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt install libgtk-3-dev libgtop2-dev librsvg2-dev -y
sudo apt-get install gudev-1.0
wget http://www.freedesktop.org/software/libqmi/libqmi-1.24.2.tar.xz
tar -vxf libqmi-1.24.2.tar.xz
cd libqmi-1.24.2/
./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-static
sudo make install

Press the power button or pull low GPIO pin 4 to turn on the SIM7600 HAT

Verify that you have the qmi_wwan driver

lsusb -t

Can look like this

Port 4: Dev 4, If 5, Class=Vendor Specific Class, Driver=qmi_wwan, 480M

Test qmicli

sudo qmicli  --nas-get-signal-strength  -d /dev/cdc-wdm0

It will reply

BIM QMUX support available
[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Successfully got signal strength
        Network 'lte': '-61 dBm'
        Network 'lte': '-61 dBm'
        Network 'lte': '-2.5 dBm'
IO: '-106 dBm'
SINR (8): '9.0 dB'
        Network 'lte': '-16 dB'
        Network 'lte': '3.2 dB'
        Network 'lte': '-90 dBm'

Request module manufacturer:

sudo qmicli --device=/dev/cdc-wdm0 --dms-get-manufacturer


[/dev/cdc-wdm0] Device manufacturer retrieved:
        Manufacturer: 'QUALCOMM INCORPORATED'

Sim Card Status:

sudo qmicli --device=/dev/cdc-wdm0 --uim-get-card-status

Installing Required Software

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libqmi-utils udhcpc
  • The installation is over. Logoff from ssh session. Disconnect the raspberry from the internet (ethernet cable)

In the PC, Connect via USB-UART adapter to the raspberry pi using the GPIO pins

In the PC execute the following commands to connect to the raspberry pi. Replace with your serial port.

sudo apt-get install screen
sudo screen /dev/cu.usbserial-A506LNW8 115200

Putting online the adapter

sudo qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --dms-set-operating-mode='online'

Note, you can verify if your radio needs to be turned on by using the following commands:

qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --dms-get-operating-mode
qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --nas-get-signal-strength
qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --nas-get-home-network

If the first command shows in its output 'Low Power' or anything other than 'online' it means your radio is off and needs to be turned on. The last of those commands should return the LTE network ID if your device successfully connected.

Reconfigure the network interface for raw-ip protocol

The qmi-wwan kernel driver creates the wwan0 network interface for you when it detects the SIM7600 module connected to your Raspberry Pi. By default that interface is set to 802-3 protocol, however it seems the correct protocol should be raw-ip. The qmi-network script tries to set that up for you, but it will most likely fail. To make the change, do the following:

sudo qmicli -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 -w
sudo ip link set wwan0 down
echo 'Y' | sudo tee /sys/class/net/wwan0/qmi/raw_ip
sudo ip link set wwan0 up

Connect to the mobile network.

qmicli -p -d /dev/cdc-wdm0 --device-open-net='net-raw-ip|net-no-qos-header' --wds-start-network="apn='internet.itelcel.com',username='webgprs',password='webgprs2002',ip-type=4" --client-no-release-cid

Finally, configure the IP address and the default route with udhcpc:

sudo udhcpc -i wwan0


ip r s

ping -4 www.google.com