
HackJam in React: From beginner to intermediate

Primary LanguageCSS

HackJam ReactJS

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The goal of this exercise is to learn how to think in React. There are thousands of tutorials online but there's no better way to learn than hacking it yourself.


You need to be confortable writing JavaScript (ES6: Module system, class, destructuring assignment). You need to have nodeand npm or yarn installed in your computer.


The focus will be given to React but to create a simple workflow, we will need few tools (JS fatigue):

  • Webpack
  • Babel-loader
  • Jsx support
  • Live reloading (Live-server)

Oh no, you won't need that! We promise you React on the menu so let's focus on React!! We create a package that will do that grunt work for you: hackages You don't need to know anything about it unless you're very curious. Just run npm startand you'll be good to go.

Getting started:

Just clone this repository and run npm start

An example of the application is available here

Things to know about React

  • Everything is a component
  • Component in React are pure function
  • Container components vs presentation components
  • Props vs State

What's next?

  • State management with Redux
  • Developer tools for React
  • Data management with Relay