
A small AHK script for multi account optimization

Primary LanguageAutoHotkey


A "small" AHK script for multi account optimization with a GUI, customizable hotkeys and more! The .exe file can be run on systems that don't have AutoHotkey installed. You can also download/pull the script, take a look at it, change it up and "compile" it on your own! Autohotkey by default only works on Windows. If you want to make it work on UNIX systems use a wine port like AutoHotkeyX!

This tool uses AutoHotkey to make handling multiple accounts (multiboxing) in the game Dofus easier by improving window management and forking keyboard/mouse commands to multiple client windows. Be mindful though: Regarding TOS the latter features (forking commands) is not 100% allowed, but it is not 100% forbidden as well. The statements in the Dofus TOS are not 100% clear on this topic. I can assure you however, that every action sequence is started by the user via. customizable Hotkeys, hence it is no Bot / automation software.

Additional info regarding TOS and so on...: I marked features that are very grey-zonish as (! violates the golden rule !) in this readme. Everything that isn't marked as such is entirely fine to use according to mod statements on the forum and in general (other games as well). Why? Well it's because of the golden rule: 1 keypress = 1 action in game. This is the case for almost all features of my script and if possible I try to find ways to keep it that way.

Also I added multiple release options, in case you want to dispense the grey-zonish features.

I will not take responsibility for anyone who uses this tool and gets banned for it (in particular if using the grey-zone features). Use at your own risk!

Mind that some Anti-Virus software might think that the .exe (binary) is harmful. A scan of the binary can be found here: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/1f32430bb923482ab3b4955d620e67d0894e4463b4128072cbe1c21a1bd32ecf/detection Some scanners listed here give "false-positives". You can google that... it's a common problem they have with AHK binaries. If you're still unsure take a look at the code yourself.

Release, Download Section

Current version: v1.2.1 https://github.com/Yokani/DofusHeroes/releases/tag/v1.2.1


The following screenshots are a bit outdated regarding visuals, but they still give hints on how to use the tool correctly, hence i will leave them like that for now.

General Information:

The settings are saved on correct termination (e.g. by pressing the "X" in the window). If you kill it, it won't save! The settings are saved in a settings.ini file in the utils directory If the file doesn't exist the program initializes with some preset values for the hotkey configuration.

First Tab (Characters):


  1. On the first tab enter the names of your characters according to the initiave order of your team
  2. Check Active? for every character that is logged in
  3. Check AutoSwitch? for every character you wish to switch client windows after his/her turn. (OPTIONAL)
  4. Check Main? for your main character, who is using the TrackNTraveler feature (OPTIONAL)
  5. Use the arrows on the left to change the initiative order live, for example if one of your characters had low hp (OPTIONAL)

In the example above we have Osaschmodas going first. He uses pets, hence we don't want to switch to the next character automatically after he ends his turn (autoSwitch is off). Jonny-Doe is our Iop. He doesn't use pets so we use the auto-switch feature to switch to our osa after his turn. We could also leave autoSwitch? on for Osaschmodas and end his turn normally. After the last pets turn we hit our Heroes-End-Of-Turn button to switch to the next character in order.

Second Tab (Hotkey customization):


On this tab you can set up your custom hotkeys. There mostly are a Drop-Down-List(DDL) and a Hotkey(HK) input field for each feature. The DDL is for mouse and other fixed keys that can't be used with the hotkey input field. Check the radio button on the left which of the two you want to use. Customize the hotkey on the right. For the hotkey input field: Click into the field and press the hotkey you want to use.

  1. Hotkey: Dofus-End-Of-Turn hotkey (DEOT): This is the hotkey in your game! Check your game options and enter the correct key here, or else many other features will not work correctly!
  2. Hotkey: Heroes-End-Of-Turn hotkey: If you press this key, your DEOT key is sent to the currently active dofus window and if AutoSwitch? is enabled for the current character the window of the next character in the initiative order is activated.
  3. Hotkey: Battle Starter: This key sends your DEOT key to all "Active?" characters in order to ready them for the fight! (! violates the golden rule !)
  4. Hotkey: Left-Click: This key performs a Left-Click in all "Active?" characters at the current mouse position. (! violates the golden rule !)
  5. Hotkey: Switch-Forward: This key switches from the current character window to the next one depending on initiative ordering.
  6. Hotkey: Switch-Backward: This key switches from the current character window to the last one depending on initiative ordering.
  7. Hotkey: Activate-X: This control key and a number activates the character window with the same number in the initiative ordering, e.g. Key + 2 activates the second characters window.

For the basic setup you're done now!

If you want to do some advanced stuff, continue reading!

Third Tab (FightJoiner feature)


FightJoiner: (! violates the golden rule !)

With this feature you can enter a fight and make your other characters join without needing to switch to their windows. Follow the instructions in the GUI to set it up correctly.


InsertMode (! violates the golden rule !), but ClipboardMode does not! For the auto-traveling features you need to have a pre-sentient mount! (feed it a pre-sentient potion from the shop/market)

This feature requires some advanced setup, which i'll try to explain properly via the following guide.


The tracker feature enables you to track up to 3 patterns on your active dofus window and save the position where you found it for later use. For example, you're traveling around via the travel feature, but would like to know if there were any archmonsters on your way, while you are doing something else, like cleaning dishes or something, i don't know your life! coughs It's also possible to make the character stop while traveling if he/she spots the thing you're looking for.

Alright, let's get this to work: This setup will only work as long as you're not changing the dofus window resolution and as long as it's not running in full screen!

  1. First we need to find the pattern we're looking for, let's take an archmonster as example (because that's how i'm using it).


Let's take this guy.

  1. Alright, next: open up the findText script by FeiYue, press "Run FindText"


This will open up.

  1. adjust the width and height settings at the top and then hit "Apply" - the window will reopen (i recommend 35x35, so you have a nice square to work with. If it's bigger than what you want to capture, no problem, if smaller you should make it bigger)

  2. Next hit "Capture", a rectangle with your defined size will appear around your mouse. Move it, so it frames the thing you want to track, for me it's the archmonster flame icon. If you're content make 2 right clicks to continue.

  3. A new window opens up to process the captured image for optimized recognition. This part is very important and will require some trial and error until you reliably recognize the pattern you're searching for! For me it looks like this:


5.1) cut the edges using the L,R,U,D buttons on the left. The more you cut the faster it'll be found, however also less reliably so. Follow my example for now...


This is fine for me

5.2) apply a color filter. This step is important, because shown colors are often very different and partly transparent - everything just messes with proper recognition, if not properly preprocessed. The ones i useally use are Gray and GrayDiff. Simply press the Gray2Two button and the filter will be applied. It finds a certain value for the field on the left, which can be adjusted by you if the filter was not applied sucessfully. The value corresponds to how harsh the filter is applied (lower values = more harsh).


Mine looks like this now. See the little errors on the bottom left side or around the eyes? I could make the filter more harsh so they vanish, or i could check the modify checkbox and correct the issue myself, by deleting the few pixels through clicking on them (or drawing those, that are necessary).

If the result is not pleasing you, hit "Reset" to start from the raw image capture again. Hit "Close" to return to the former UI and make a new capture If you're fine with what you captured and processed, continue

5.3) Enter a tag in the comment section, which identifies what you're going to look for. For me it's simply "archmob". After that press "OK". Your inputs will now be taken to the main window. In the top you can now see the pattern you're going to look out for. Below is a small testing script so we can try if it actually works.

5.4) Hit "GetRange". you can now pull a rectangle by left clicking with your mouse. Frame the area where you want to look for the given pattern, in my case it's my whole dofus window. When finished the script call below will update after FindText(-your new coordinates are now here-, ...)

5.5) Hit "Test" to check if the pattern can currently be found. For me, it didn't (Found: 0), well that's because we're not completely finished yet!

5.6) In the script below it says if(ok:=FindText( a, b, c, d (your coordinates from GetRange), 0, 0, Text) the both 0 here are error ranges (ranging from 0 to 1) you can apply, so it tries to match something that looks similar and not exactly like your pattern. If you're setting it too high you're most likely getting false results. I'll try 0.2


This is how it looks for me now. Let's try testing it again!


Success :)

5.7) Now we just need to give Dofus Heroes the input we created. Copy the Text:="|... line and paste it in the text output field. Copy the first few parameters from your GetRange output (in my case 403, 13, 2161, 1411) and paste it in the GetRange output field. Then enter the allowed error you want to use and activate it.

  1. For the tracker to properly work you need to do the same thing with the map coordinates shown (if enabled in the game settings) at the top left corner.


Capture each number ranging from 0 to 9, check if it is recognized, do the same with the - and , characters and paste your settings below your 3 user-defined patterns. IMPORTANT: Give the numbers, the - and , as comment the according number/character it represents, so for 0 it's 0 and so on. check my screenshot above of how my tab looks for reference. The comment is always saved at the start of the Text field between the carets.

You can test the coordinate tracking with the "test it!" button. If it works it should give you the coordinates of the current map you're on. Mind that i'm using the feature where adjacent maps aren't shown and it's instead blacked out. This makes my coordinate recognition very reliable. It might not be the same for you if there is a ever changing background behind them!

  1. Finally... hit "Start or Stop TrackNTraveler" to open up the tracker. A New window will appear, which always remains on top of everything.


It will now start tracking your screen (if you have windows above the dofus window it won't work correctly). If it finds what you're looking for it saves your current coordinates in the tracker window. Hit "clear history" to empty the contents.

Auto Traveling feature:

The TrackNTraveler window also contains the travel feature. Select either ClipboardMode or InsertMode (! violates the golden rule !) in the main GUI for it to work.

For InsertMode or the "Stop if spotting something" feature you need to enter you chat-activation key and interface validation (almost always Enter) key from the game.

Choose a route from the drop down list and hit "Start chosen route". If clipboard mode is enabled the script will copy the /travel chat command for your next destination to your clipboard. In the game simply press CTRL-V to enter the command in your chat window and off go you! When you reach your destination the program will automatically copy the next destination to your clipboard. If insert mode is enabled the script will paste the chat command on its own, by activating the window, pressing CTRL-V for you and hitting your validation key to start running. It will do so again after you reach the destination until the route is finished.

In a future release I'll add a feature for user-defined routes. For now you're stuck with what i came up with. Included are mostly all main island areas where archmonster can be found. If a route is selected the script will randomly determine the next subarea (e.g. astrub meadows if astrub was chosen) until every defined subarea is run once. You can skip the selected route by hitting "Skip current Route!". Hit it again to force it to skip (this requires you to stop your travel manually by clicking somewhere beforehand, if you're using insert mode!)

If you want to pause your travel hit "Break travel". Hit the button again to continue your travel.