Flat Envelope model with Rotation and Infall under Angular momentum conservation

Primary LanguageC++

These codes are a computer program for calculating a three-dimentional model of an infalling-rotating envelope and a Keplerian disk. Fits files of a cube data and a position-velocity diagram are created. This program uses CFITSIO library.

The formalism adopted in this program and how to use it are summarized in Oya et al. (2022).


  • Makefile
  • feria.h
  • feria_PV.cpp
  • feria_env.cpp
  • feria_fitsio.cpp
  • feria_main.cpp
  • feria_mesh.cpp
  • feria_parameter.cpp
  • feria_sky.cpp
  • feria_varParameters.py
  • readme.txt
  • template.in

Files to be Edited

You need to edit the following files.

  • Makefile
  • feria.h
  • template.in
  • (Optional) feria_varParameters.py


  • Please edit the linker for cfitsio according to your environment.


  • Header file.
  • Please edit the values for 'logNpix' and 'logNvel' to change the number of mesh.
  • The number of mesh for the position axes in the cube file is 2^{logNpix}, and that for the velocity axes is 2^{logNvel}.


  • Template for the input file.
  • This file includes the parameters for the model.
  • See comments in the file for the details of the parameters.

(Optional) feria_varParameters.py

  • This python script makes fits files for various parameter sets.
  • Please edit the lists for the phsical parameters.
  • This script overwrite the input file and execute the 'feria' file.

Modifying the Model

You can edit the following files to modify the model calculation.

  • feria_env.cpp
  • feria_sky.cpp


  • This file contains the class for the physical conditions of the envelope gas.
  • By default, the density profile of the emitter and the gas temperature profile are the power law of the distance from the protostar.
  • You can edit the functions "feriaModel::env_dens" and "feriaModel::env_temp" to change these profiles.


  • This file contains the functions to calculate the observed intensity.
  • By default, the emissivity is assumed to be proportional to the column density of the emitter.
  • Neither of the excitation effect or the radiation transfer is considered. You can edit the function "skyPlane::projection" to change how to calculate the emissivity.


./feria < $(your inputfile name)

