This simple project takes the credit card fraud detection dataset, available at kaggle, and uses the Flux library to predict which transaction is fraudulent and which is not.
Since the dataset is a single csv file, a division has to be made in order to have a separate set of data in which test the final model:
using CSV
dataset ="dataset/creditcard.csv")
data_size = length(dataset[:,1])
test_data_size = round(Int, data_size*0.2)
train_data = dataset[1:end-test_data_size, :]
test_data = dataset[end-test_data_size+1:end, :]
CSV.write("dataset/train_data.csv", train_data)
CSV.write("dataset/test_data.csv", test_data)
Now we have two datasets, the train set "train_data", and the test set "test_data".
We already know that this dataset is highly imbalanced. If we run the fuction neg_pos(file)
defined in datapreprocessing.jl, we can know how many negative and positive labels are in the dataset. We'll say that the data is labeled negative if it's column named Class has a zero, which means that the transaction was not fraudulent.
const file = "dataset/train_data.csv"
neg, pos = neg_pos(file)
(227429, 417)
The fraudulent translactions (positive labels) constitudes only 18.3% of the training set. This means that training normaly like with any other dataset will not help to make good predictions, because any model can learn to always predict a negative label, getting a high accuracy.
To make the model learn more from the positive label, I choose to change the objective function, so the model gets a high loss when it encounters a positive label:
function loss_function(x, y)
if y != 0
loss = binarycrossentropy(model(x)[1], y) .* 100
loss = binarycrossentropy(model(x)[1], y) .* 1
return loss
Since there is a lot of data, it would be memory intensive to load it all and pass it to the model. Because of this, I made a function to load the data in batches, with the option to shuffle it. Shuffling the data is very important in order to avoid overfitting the model:
using CuArrays, CSV
import Random: shuffle
function load_data(path, batch_size, start; _shuffle=true)
x = []
y = []
pairs = []
for row in CSV.Rows(path, skipto=start, limit=batch_size)
rows = [row.V1, row.V2, row.V3, row.V4, row.V5, row.V6, row.V7, row.V8, row.V9,
row.V10, row.V11, row.V12, row.V13, row.V14, row.V15, row.V16, row.V17,
row.V18, row.V19, row.V20, row.V21, row.V22, row.V23, row.V24, row.V25,
row.V26, row.V27, row.V28, log(parse(Float32, row.Amount)+0.0001)]
rows = string_to_number(rows)
push!(pairs, rows => parse(Float32, row.Class))
if _shuffle
pairs = shuffle(pairs)
for pair in pairs
push!(x, pair.first)
push!(y, pair.second)
return gpu(gpu.(x)), gpu(gpu.(y))
Notice how when parsing the column Amount I apply the fuction Log and sum a little quantity. This is done because that column has a range much greater than the other 28 columns, and the log fuction reduces that number. I add 0.0001 to never have a zero or NaN Amount.
The important method of this function is CSV.Rows, which reads a CSV file row by row rather than the entire file. The arguments batch_size and start determine how many rows will be read and from which one. These are important as they will help pipelinening the training. The fuction string_to_number(rows)
is a simple handling function that takes arrays with string elements as input and returns an array of numbers:
function string_to_number(x::AbstractArray)
placeholder = []
for item in x
if typeof(item) == String
push!(placeholder, parse(Float32, item))
push!(placeholder, item)
return placeholder
The package CuArrays is used to move the arrays containing the data to the gpu, for a much more faster training.
The model will only have two Dense layers and a Dropout layer, since the dataset is already normalized.
model = Chain(
Dense(29, 64, relu),
Dense(64, 1, sigmoid)
) |> gpu
With the wraper function |> gpu
the model is moved to the gpu.
Training several times, we see that the weigths quickly decay to NaN. Because of this the optimiser used will be a combination of inverse decay and ADAM.
opt = Flux.Optimiser(InvDecay(), ADAM())
Since the dataset is imbalanced, we need to use an accuracy metric different than a confuse matrix. AUC is a good metric. The file utils.jl provides several methods to use this metric, using simple input arrays of zeros and ones. After only 23 batches, training with a batch size of 2048, to ensure that every batch has at least one positive label, the accuracy reached with the test set is of 0.9953 or 99.53%. The next two plots show the loss and the accuracy during the training.
The training was very quick, but we can see that the model rapidly learned how to predict correctly a positive label.