
Kafkacat doesn't work with bootstrap service

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kubectl run -it --rm kafkacat --image=solsson/kafkacat --restart=Never -- -C -b kafka-bootstrap:9200 -t mytopic -p 0 -J -e
% KC_ERROR: Failed to query metadata for topic mytopic: Local: Broker transport failure

It works with the full list of service DNS names and the bootstrap service works just fine with Kafka libraries we're using in code (Java client).

Hmm, there was also a negative report about bootstrap.kafka in fluent/fluent-bit-kubernetes-logging#11 (comment).

I don't recognize your port number. And in fact I don't recognize the service name. Where are you running kafkacat? Have you tried with -d broker.

Bah, it's the port. Just fat fingered it. As for the service, it's the same one as you have here, just renamed (since I don't use the kafka namespace).