Kafka cluster as Kubernetes StatefulSet, plain manifests and config
- 0
ARM64 Images for Kafka JMX Prometheus Exporter
#354 opened by viscory - 1
- 1
- 5
Readiness probe failed: connection refused
#300 opened by thomas-bouvier - 1
Quickstart is broken (v6.0.3)
#346 opened by austinorth - 3
- 5
All pods in pending state.
#317 opened by navinSing - 1
Auto scale Kafka partitions
#347 opened by veera418 - 4
mkdir: cannot create directory '/opt/kafka/bin/../logs': Permission denied
#282 opened by novakov-alexey-zz - 4
ZooKeeper produce a zombie processes
#334 opened by ilya-shaydullin - 0
Incompatible with newer kustomize/kubectl
#345 opened by cjyar - 1
Issue on external service (Kafka)
#344 opened by tittuvarghese - 1
- 0
Zookeeper Init:Error "/etc/kafka-configmap/init.sh: No such file or directory"
#343 opened by davehouser1 - 0
- 2
Kafka-cluster with external SSL only
#289 opened by sk-darch - 0
- 1
Can't produce/consume with outside brokers
#338 opened by kulukyo - 5
- 5
- 6
Release v6.0.4 Seems to be a Breaking Release?
#333 opened by jsmythsci - 3
- 0
Can you tell me about 10 brokers in Kafka- config.yml File parameters log.retention.hours= -1 and log.retention.hours=168 What's the difference?
#331 opened by tan02 - 0
Pod, Service and Statefull pending
#327 opened by FernandoGD97 - 1
Run JMX exporter as a Java Agent (how to?)
#322 opened by sidps - 3
- 0
devsmall has "pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims" on Docker Desktop?
#319 opened by kenyee - 5
- 0
- 1
More documentation
#314 opened by FlorinAlexandru - 2
Spring kafka not validating the payload
#313 opened by sanurani2020 - 1
Can not sending message to Kafka
#312 opened by Luke7810 - 2
Zookeeper fails after updating to Kafka 2.4
#298 opened by jgottfriedMSC - 2
Kafka Security . INFO [SocketServer brokerId=0] Failed authentication with / (Unexpected Kafka request of type METADATA during SASL handshake.) (org.apache.kafka.common.network.Selector)
#305 opened by Kuttaiah - 2
Support for Kubernetes 1.16
#303 opened by martnst - 1
Add support for docker-desktop
#295 opened by hamshif - 10
Readiness probe failed for kafka
#279 opened by selkabli - 0
- 1
Connecting to Zookeeper to edit topic configs
#290 opened by unfrgivn - 0
Could use empty storage class as default
#288 opened by solsson - 5
Problem starting Cruise Control
#287 opened by agallimore-gravity - 1
Support more than 10 brokers with outside port
#285 opened by gjacquet - 2
- 0
Can't create new messages
#280 opened by lazuli307 - 1
Kafka MySQL connector example
#275 opened by guyromb - 6
Add kafka for monitoring in prometheous-operator
#278 opened by abhi-dwivedi - 0
#276 opened by rajeshkodali - 1
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all pod stuck in Pending
#271 opened by yueyuan4 - 2
Outside access on EKS with CNI
#272 opened by rafaelalmeida