ZooKeeper produce a zombie processes
ilya-shaydullin opened this issue · 4 comments
ilya-shaydullin commented
Every 5 minutes created ~30 zombie processes
5697 ? Ssl 0:10 \_ /opt/java/openjdk/bin/java -Xmx512M -Xms512M -server -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=20 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=35 -XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent -Djava.awt.headless=true -Xlog:gc*:file=/opt/kafka/bin/../logs/zookeeper-gc.log:
8891 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
8928 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
8948 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
9300 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
9340 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
9361 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
9712 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
9751 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
9771 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
10467 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
10512 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
10532 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
10912 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
10960 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
10980 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
11323 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
11360 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
11382 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
11762 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
11798 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
11818 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
12162 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
12202 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
12252 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
13302 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
13370 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
13409 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
14126 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
14192 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
14212 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
14529 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
14600 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
14620 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
14938 ? Z 0:00 | \_ [sh] <defunct>
perry9186 commented
any news here? I see the same on my cluster k8s 19.7 with containerD .
did u found a workaround or a fix for it?
ilya-shaydullin commented
any news here? I see the same on my cluster k8s 19.7 with containerD .
did u found a workaround or a fix for it?
This solution worked for me
More info that i found
perry9186 commented
10x! it solved it for me also