
kafka-manager JMX_PORT

Closed this issue · 7 comments

by default JMX_PORT = 5555
but kafka-manager cannot reach that port using the outside-(0,1,2) services

enviroment: kubernetes 1.9.2 (kubeadm); local

any ideas ?

I think there's nothing special with the JMX port, like with the relation between Kafka's bootstrap flow and listener addresses. You can expose 5555 to remote using any Kubernetes mechanism you like.

if i expose jmx port through kubernetes services, the nodeport will be between 30k-32k ;
so i will have to change the jmx port from 5555 to something else ... right ?

because kafka manager will try to reach nodeIP:5555

I recommend that you run kafka-manager together with your kafka cluster, and expose kafka-manager remotely instead. See #83.

It'd be interesting to be able to use JMX GUIs remotely, and for that I guess it doesn't matter if the port is different.

thank you for your reply,
my brokers host is an external node IP and not the in cluster dns kafka-0.broker.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9094, which is also working, as show in this picture

because i want to reach kafka from outside my kube cluster
according to my picture, kafka-manager will try to reach for logs, which is not open

kafka broker 0 config

advertised.listeners = OUTSIDE://,PLAINTEXT://:9092
listeners = OUTSIDE://:9094,PLAINTEXT://:9092

if I would change the advertised.listeners to OUTSIDE://kafka-0.broker.kafka.svc.cluster.local:9094,PLAINTEXT://:9092 then kafka-manager will work, but I will be unable to connect to kafka from outside my kube cluster,

kafka-manager is deployed in the same namespace as kafka and zk

is there something wrong in my configs ?

Sorry, IMO external kafka-manager isn't in scope for this repo. Feel free to explore this anyway. If others are interested they will surely find this issue and maybe you can join forces.