
Missing sample applications for the kube events topic

Closed this issue · 1 comments

#92 has a test #122 but no actual applications.

Ad-hoc inspection using kafkacat+jq is quite interesting, for example:

$ kafkacat -C -b bootstrap.kafka -t ops.kube-events-all.stream.json.001 | jq 'select(.object.reason == "Unhealthy") | {t: .object.lastTimestamp, kind: .object.involvedObject.kind, name: .object.metadata.name, message: .object.message}'
  "t": "2018-02-02T18:24:55Z",
  "kind": "Pod",
  "name": "kafka-2.150f956ae689970f",
  "message": "Readiness probe failed: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused"

We could for example export Prometheus metrics. I'd prefer at-least-once semantics, but current kube-events comes with no such guarantees.

#186 improves matters, as we probably don't need a sample application for a 3rd party component