
how to pass files to container during pod initialization

catt16 opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi guys,

I am trying to set up prometheus java agent to monitor kafka metrics. Is there a graceful way to pass the jmx_prometheus_javaagent-0.10.jar file and its config yaml file, prom-jmx-agent-config.yml, to the container, say, under /etc/kafka directory in container?


Thanks for any idea.

I am trying to use Prometheus java agent for kafka broker and Grafana for presentation in this repo. Anybody has implemented them already? Appreciate your inputs.

Small files can be passed in configmaps or secrets. To experiment with larger files you can keep them in a volume, but building your own images is the preferable way. There are ways to develop images without using an actual image registry, like https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/skaffold and Minikube's eval $(minikube docker-env).

By adding this volume fix the issue, notes mount name should not be conflict with your existing names.

- name: libs
mountPath: /etc/kafka/libs
- name: libs
path: /path to you libs on hosted box

Thanks @solsson .