
the formula repository for ndk-pkg

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


the offical formula repository for ndk-pkg

what's formula

formula is a POSIX sh script used to describe how to compile a package for ndk-pkg.

the function must be invoked on top of the formula

package set <KEY> <VALUE>
KEY required? overview
summary required the summary of this package.
webpage optional the home webpage of this package.
If this key is not present, git.url must be present.
version optional the version of this package.
If this key is not present, it will be calculated from src.url
license optional the license of this package.
git.url optional the source code git repository.
must end with .git
git.rev optional the full git commit id, 40-byte hexadecimal string, which to be fetched as source code
git.tag optional the git tag name, which to be fetched as source code
src.url required the source code download url of this package.
must end with one of .git .zip .tar.xz .tar.gz .tar.lz .tar.bz2 .tgz .txz .c .cc .cxx .cpp.
also support format like dir://DIR
src.sum optional the sha256sum of source code.
If the value of src.url end with .git, this key is optional, otherwise, this key must be present.
dep.cmd optional the commands will be used when installing. If specify multiple values, separate them with spaces.
dep.pkg optional the packages will be used when installing and runtime. If specify multiple values, separate them with spaces.
patches optional the patches. URL SHA256 pairs. example
cdefine optional append to CPPFLAGS
ccflags optional append to CFLAGS
xxflags optional append to CXXFLAGS
ldflags optional append to LDFLAGS
sourced optional the source directory, relative to WORKING_DIR which contains build script such as configure, Makefile, CMakeLists.txt, meson.build, Cargo.toml, etc.
binsrcd optional build in source directory, otherwise build out-of source directory.
bsystem optional build system.
values can be autogen autotools configure cmake cmake-make cmake-ninja meson make ninja cargo go ndk-build

the function can be declared in a formula

function required? overview
prepare(){} optional this function only run once.
build0(){} optional this function only run once. build for native.
build(){} required this function will run 4 times. each time build for one abi ( armeabi-v7a, arm64-v8a, x86, x86_64 ).

the function can be invoked in a formula at anywhere

function example
print print 'your message.'
echo echo 'your message.'
info info 'your infomation.'
warn warn "--min-sdk-api-level=INTEGER argument is not specified. so, use the default value [21]."
error error 'error message.'
die die "please specify a package name."
success success "build success."
nproc make --directory="$BUILD_DIR" -j$(nproc)
sed_in_place sed_in_place 's/-mandroid//g' Configure
format_unix_timestamp format_unix_timestamp "$TIMESTAMP_UNIX" '+%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S'
getvalue VALUE=$(getvalue --min-sdk-api-level=21)
sha256sum VALUE=$(sha256sum FILEPATH)
is_sha256sum_match is_sha256sum_match FILEPATH SHA256SUM
fetch fetch URL [--sha256=SHA256] --output-path=PATH
fetch URL [--sha256=SHA256] --output-dir=DIR --output-name=NAME
fetch URL [--sha256=SHA256] --output-dir=DIR [--output-name=NAME]
fetch URL [--sha256=SHA256] [--output-dir=DIR] --output-name=NAME

the function can be invoked in build function only

function example
configure configure --enable-pic
mesonw mesonw -Dneon=disabled -Darm-simd=disabled
makew makew
cargo cargo

the variable can be used in a formula at anywhere

variable overview
MY_VERSION the version of ndk-pkg.
MY_HOME_DIR the home directory of ndk-pkg.
MY_HOME_PAGE the home webpage of ndk-pkg.
MY_CACHED_DIR the downloads directory of ndk-pkg.
MY_INSTALL_DIR the installed directory of ndk-pkg.

the variable can be used in prepare and build function

variable overview
ANDROID_NDK_VERSION the version of Android NDK.
ANDROID_NDK_HOME the home directory of Android NDK.
TIMESTAMP_UNIX the unix timestamp of this installation.
TARGET_OS_VERS android sdk api-level table
WORKING_DIR the direcotory where the source code tarball uncompressed to or copy to.
SOURCE_DIR the source code directory of this installation. the source code direcotory is the direcotory who contains Makefile or configure or CMakeLists.txt or meson.build or Cargo.toml
CC the C Compiler.
CFLAGS the flags of CC.
CXX the C++ Compiler.
CXXFLAGS the flags of CXX.
CPP the C/C++ PreProcessor.
CPPFLAGS the flags of CPP.
AS the assembler.
AR the archiver.
RANLIB the archiver extra tool.
LD the linker.
LDFLAGS the flags of LD.
NM a command line tool to list symbols from object files.
STRIP a command line tool to discard symbols and other data from object files.

the variable can be used in build function only

variable overview
BUILD_DIR the build directory of this abi.
PKG_INSTALL_DIR the installation directory of this package.
ABI_INSTALL_DIR the installation directory of this package of this abi.
ABI_BINARY__DIR the bin directory of this package of this abi.
ABI_INCLUDE_DIR the include directory of this package of this abi.
ABI_LIBRARY_DIR the lib directory of this package of this abi.
ABI_PKGCONF_DIR the pkgconfig directory of this package of this abi.
x_INSTALL_DIR the installation directory of x package of this abi.
x_INCLUDE_DIR the include directory of x package of this abi.
x_LIBRARY_DIR the lib directory of x package of this abi.
TARGET_OS_ABI it's value may be one of armeabi-v7a arm64-v8a x86 x86_64
TARGET_OS_ARCH it's value may be one of armv7a aarch64 i686 x86_64
TARGET_TRIPLE it's value may be one of armv7a-linux-androideabi aarch64-linux-android i686-linux-android x86_64-linux-android