
Run pytorch models on GPU Android with Vulkan backend

Primary LanguageJava



In this project I implemented 3 models on Android with CPU/GPU:

This work follows the deployment workflow: https://pytorch.org/mobile/home/ and https://pytorch.org/tutorials/prototype/vulkan_workflow.html

Running step

1. Running on Android CPU:

You might want to try running the models on CPU first. To do that, in build.gradle file in app folder, comment lines 48,49 and uncomment lines 50,51 to use the official release pytorch lib. In the activity files, use LiteModuleLoader to load the .ptl model.

The ready-to-use models are in app/src/main/assets, if you want to generate the model by yourself, refer to the convert script for each model in script_model folder.

1. Running on Android GPU:

Follow these steps:

  • Prepare vulkan-supported model:

The release torch version installed by pip will not work when generating vulkan-supported models or even if it can generate, the models won't work. We need to build torch from source with vulkan enable and then use that torch to generate the models.

Install Vulkan SDK first : https://vulkan.lunarg.com/sdk/home#linux, then refer this link https://medium.com/repro-repo/build-pytorch-from-source-on-ubuntu-18-04-1c5556ca8fbf to build torch on your host machine, however, in the install step, enable vulkan with:

USE_VULKAN=ON CC=clang CXX=clang++ python setup.py install.

Finishing by:

python setup.py develop then:

pip install .

Check torch version just built: python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)"

After building and installing the built torch, we can convert model to torchscript vulkan model by specify backend=’vulkan’ in optimize_for_mobile() ( see in the convert script)

  • Build pytorch lib with vulkan support:

We also need to build the pytorch android lib that support vulkan.

Install Android NDK, SDK, Java beforehand. You should install NDK version r21e, the newer versions change the file hierarchy so it's not compatible with the pytorch source.

Clone a new pytorch repo:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch

For some reasons, LiteModuleLoader has't support vulkan model, the vulkan models can only load successfully with old method module.load. We need to build the library without lite interpreter support by:

ANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a USE_VULKAN=1 BUILD_LITE_INTERPRETER=0 ./scripts/build_android.sh

USE_VULKAN=1 BUILD_LITE_INTERPRETER=0 ./scripts/build_pytorch_android.sh arm64-v8a

Then copy the generated arrs to app/lib in android project folder and include it in build.gradle file.

  • Use the model

Vulkan model only works with old method Module.load, so use this method to load the model in activity files.


You can see that the inference time reduces for around 40%.

However, when I try yolov5 model, this error happened:

RuntimeError: falseINTERNAL ASSERT FAILED at "/home/ncl/ktdinh/pytorch/aten/src/ATen/native/vulkan/ops/Tensor.cpp":255, please report a bug to PyTorch. Only Tensors with 1 <= dim <= 4 can be represented as a Vulkan Image!

It seems like a limitation of vulkan when not supporting tensor that has more than 4 dimensions. We could rewrite the model in a format that only use fewer-than-5 dimensional tensors, but that will be a hassle. Also, currently vulkan backend doesn't support many operations. Better wait for the future update!