
[FR] player mode

Closed this issue · 2 comments


is possible add support for use VSedit as standalone video player?

only showing when open the vpy the preview window with a little selecction of controls (play, stop/pause, FF, RW, and toggle fullscreen)


FF and RW are in principle expensive, see the discussion in another issue. For other features you may try piping the output to any popular video player, like vspipe script.vpy -y - | <your media player> -

ye. i'm doing pipping audio and video at the same time, but is a bit "expensive" (in load terms)

i do it with 2 vpy (one with audio and other with video) , run 2 instances of vspipe and use mpv (my case) with the option --extenal-file with the audio pipe. but i get massive framedrops sometimes

ok. thansk for the info
