Branch vse-previewer for standalone previewer. Branch vs-api4 for an IDE with a text editor. Branch master for "stability". Forked from https://bitbucket.org/mystery_keeper/vapoursynth-editor
Pinned issues
- 0
Job server dark mode color problem in Windows 10
#59 opened by dan64 - 0
Feature Request: PC shutdown on completed Job queue
#60 opened by dan64 - 0
Force Stop/Delete Job
#58 opened by bebetoalves - 2
[Re-Quest] for audio support
#57 opened by sosie-js - 4
- 11
- 7
Feature Requests
#52 opened by nobananasforyou - 1
VSE doesn't work with R65
#54 opened by nobananasforyou - 7
Support for arch other than x86_64 ?
#42 opened by marillat - 1
"Explicitly instantiated a Cache. This is no longer possible and the original clip has been passed through instead"
#53 opened by EvgenyKV - 1
- 5
SIGILL, Illegal instruction on Arch Linux
#41 opened by krakoi - 2
Encode video does not work
#50 opened by jones1913 - 0
Acquire current cursor position for color picker
#49 opened by YomikoR - 0
Migrate to VS API4
#36 opened by YomikoR - 4
REQ: Frame properties View
#46 opened by tvasenin - 5
Weird scaling
#48 opened by Mr-Z-2697 - 2
- 3
Expr Crash
#40 opened by nobananasforyou - 1
Clips with variable dimensions and format
#39 opened by YomikoR - 6
Show version in terminal
#38 opened by davidak - 0
Crash when clip format is "dynamic"
#37 opened by YomikoR - 1
Resizing with Qt
#31 opened by YomikoR - 0
Issues in Qt 6 with HIDPI
#25 opened by YomikoR - 0
Margins of the preview image in dark theme
#35 opened by YomikoR - 1
Font kerning
#34 opened by YomikoR - 3
[FR] Audio support and playback
#11 opened by sl1pkn07 - 1
Reduction in playback rate.
#33 opened by YomikoR - 9
Bigger timeline bar?
#21 opened by l00tzOMG - 0
Cursor pixelation.
#32 opened by YomikoR - 1
Cropping requires a major overhaul.
#30 opened by YomikoR - 6
Save snapshot
#29 opened by daomengRen - 1
Dark theme
#28 opened by rlaphoenix - 4
path issue
#27 opened by hooke007 - 4
Vapoursynth R58 portable compatiblity?
#26 opened by Selur - 0
Replace obsolete functions
#6 opened by YomikoR - 2
Tab Feature [Request]
#24 opened by nobananasforyou - 3
Attempting to run any d2v crashes: Segmentation error (memory stack reset to disk)
#14 opened by EvgenyKV - 4
Installer not compatible with Win 7
#16 opened by EleonoreMizo - 11
Can't build vsedit on QtCreator on Ubuntu 20.04
#17 opened by Selur - 1
Issue with RGB preview ?dither
#22 opened by pdr0github - 4
SegFault with vapoursynth R57 (from git)
#19 opened by sl1pkn07 - 0
VFR playback
#20 opened by YomikoR - 0
Preview GRAY clip with YUV matrix
#18 opened by YomikoR - 0
A global hotkey for preview
#13 opened by YomikoR - 1
- 0
Check permission before enabling portable mode
#10 opened by YomikoR - 2
[FR] player mode
#12 opened by sl1pkn07 - 1
- 5
Failed to initialize VapourSynth environment
#7 opened by dnjulek