Personal Budget Tracker


Managing personal finances can often seem like an overwhelming task. Whether it's saving for future goals or tracking daily expenses, keeping a detailed record is essential. "Personal Budget Tracker" is designed to simplify this process. This web app provides a user-friendly interface for individuals to manage their income and expenses, view financial summaries, and set budgets for different categories, ensuring they are always informed about their financial health.

Data Model

The application will primarily store Users, Budgets, and Transactions:

  • Users can have multiple budgets (via references).
  • Each budget can have multiple transactions (by embedding).

An Example User:

  username: "johnDoe",
  password: // a password hash,
  email: "",
  budgets: // an array of references to Budget documents

Example Budget with Embedded Transactions:

  user: // a reference to a User object,
  category: "Food and Dining",
  allocatedAmount: 500, // in dollars,
  transactions: [
    { description: "Dinner at ABC Restaurant", amount: 50, date: "YYYY-MM-DD", type: "expense"},
    { description: "Salary", amount: 1500, date: "YYYY-MM-DD", type: "income"},


/dashboard - Main dashboard overview. Dashboard Wireframe

/budgets - Page displaying all user budgets. Budgets Wireframe

/transactions - Page for adding new transactions. Transactions Wireframe

/userprof - Page for managing user profile. Userprof Wireframe

Site map

/map - Site map. Site Map

User Stories or Use Cases

  1. As a non-registered user, I can register a new account with the site.
  2. As a user, I can set budgets for various categories like Food, Entertainment, and Utilities.
  3. As a user, I can log in to access my financial dashboard.
  4. As a user, I can add income and expense transactions.
  5. As a user, I can view a summary of my financial health, including total income, expenses, and balance.
  6. As a user, I can change my personal details and password

Research Topics

  • (5 point) Socket.IO: Real-Time Interactivity in Web Applications
  • What is Socket.IO? Socket.IO is a JavaScript library that facilitates real-time, bidirectional, and event-based communication between web clients and servers. It enables instant data transfer and updates, which is critical for applications requiring real-time feedback.

  • Why Socket.IO? Integrating Socket.IO into my budget tracking application will transform the user experience by allowing real-time updates without manual page refreshes. This means that as users input transactions or adjust their budgets, the changes will be instantaneously reflected across all instances of the application. This real-time functionality is key to supporting collaborative budget management, ensuring all users see the most current data during their financial planning activities.

  • (2 point)Bootstrap: Enhancing User Interface with a Front-End Framework
  • What is Bootstrap? Bootstrap is a front-end framework that offers a collection of tools for creating websites and web applications. It provides HTML, CSS, and JS templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface elements, with a focus on responsive design for all devices.

  • Why Bootstrap? For my personal budget tracker application, Bootstrap's responsive grid system and pre-styled components can significantly speed up the development process. The uniform design patterns will ensure a professional look and feel while maintaining consistency across different pages. This aligns with the goal of providing users with an intuitive and seamless experience whether they’re tracking expenses, setting budgets, or reviewing transaction history.

  • (2 point) dotenv for Environment Variable Management
  • What is it?: dotenv is a zero-dependency module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env. This module ensures that sensitive information, like API keys and database passwords, is kept separate from the codebase.

  • Why use it?: It provides a secure and manageable way to store configuration settings and sensitive data, ensuring they are not hard-coded within the application's source code. This approach enhances security and simplifies configuration management across different development environments.

  • (2 points) bcrypt for Secure Password Management
  • What is it?: bcrypt is a robust password hashing function that builds upon the Blowfish cipher, including salt and adaptive processing.

  • Why use it?: It securely stores passwords with strong hashing and built-in salting, helping prevent brute-force attacks and ensuring long-term security as computational power increases.

Annotations / References Used