
Description: A Spring Boot REST API with CockroachDB for managing user data and encrypted bank information, featuring CRUD operations and secure data handling.


This project is a backend application that manages user data and encrypted bank information using a Spring Boot REST API and CockroachDB as the database.


User Management

  • Create, retrieve, update, and delete user details.
  • User entity includes fields like:
    • firstName
    • lastName
    • email
    • phoneNumber

Bank Information Management

  • Create, retrieve, update, and delete bank information associated with a user.
  • Bank information includes fields like:
    • bankAccountNumber (encrypted)
    • bankName
    • accountType
  • All sensitive bank account data is encrypted and decrypted using AES encryption.

Technologies Used

  • Spring Boot: For building RESTful APIs.
  • CockroachDB: As the database.
  • AES Encryption: For securing sensitive bank account details.
  • Java: Programming language.
  • PostgreSQLDialect: For JPA configuration.
  • Spring Data JPA: For database operations.




Database Setup

  1. Create the database:

CREATE DATABASE backend_test;

  1. Switch to the database:

USE backend_test;

  1. Create the user table:

CREATE TABLE user ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(), first_name STRING NOT NULL, last_name STRING NOT NULL, email STRING UNIQUE NOT NULL, phone_number STRING );

  1. Create the bank_information table:

CREATE TABLE bank_information ( id UUID PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT gen_random_uuid(), user_id UUID REFERENCES user(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, bank_account_number STRING NOT NULL, bank_name STRING NOT NULL, account_type STRING NOT NULL );

  1. Verify the tables: To confirm the tables are set up correctly, run:


  1. Test Foreign Key Constraints: Ensure the foreign key (user_id) in the bank_information table references the id in the user table:

SHOW CONSTRAINTS FROM bank_information;

API Endpoints:

Users • Create User: POST /users • Get User: GET /users/{id} • Update User: PUT /users/{id} • Delete User: DELETE /users/{id}

Bank Information • Create Bank Information: POST /users/{userId}/bank-information • Get Bank Information: GET /users/{userId}/bank-information • Update Bank Information: PUT /users/{userId}/bank-information • Delete Bank Information: DELETE /users/{userId}/bank-information


{ "firstName": "Yonatan", "lastName": "Kinfe ", "email": "yonatankinfe@gmail.com", "phoneNumber": "+251-1923-123-123" }


• The ON DELETE CASCADE ensures that when a user is deleted, their associated bank information is also deleted automatically. • The gen_random_uuid() function is used to auto-generate UUIDs for id fields.